Youth Exchange Polar Bear Dip Ron Tuttle 2025-02-04 05:00:00Z 0

Beacon for February 3 2025

Rotary Club of Port Hope
February 3, 2025 Meeting Minutes
Drina called the meeting to order at 6:05pm

Introduced guests: Christine Thompson is our newest member. John Davidson introduced Sabrina Hasselfeld of Northumberland Land Trust , Frank Godfrey of Wesleyville Joint Working Group and Willowbeach Field Naturalists, Jenny (Guest Speaker)
Drina completed a land acknowledgement.
Dinner: Chicken souvlaki with Greek salad, rice and pita bread with cheesecake
Drina reconvened the meeting at 6:43pm
John Davidson introduced the Wesleyville Joint Working Group – Willowbeach Field Nautralists founded the Northumberland Land Trust
– John is the secretary for the joint working group that includes Robert Fishlock and the guests at
the meeting

– Guest speaker was Jenny Jackman who is a member of the board of the Willowbeach Field Naturalists who spoke about what is special about the nature in the Wesleyville area.

– There has been a significant loss of biodiversity (73%) over the last 50 years as noted by the World Wildlife Fund
– Wesleyville is in Eco-district 6E13 Oshawa to Cobourg
– Woodlands, old growth forest, Wesleville creeks and watershed, 6 hectares of the Cryser Point Bluffs, Grasslands and other woods and thickets can be found in the Wesleyville natural areas
– Old growth forests and coastal wetlands are both important features – Crysler Points bluffs features a narrow pebbly beach that doesn't really invite visitors, its more suited for nesting birds
– Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority have found that numerous fresh water springs feed the Wesleyville Creek and watershed – The group tracks a biological inventory of the area, there have been 1604 observations in the Wesleyville area, iNaturalist is an app that allows people to include their photos in the project.
– The groups believes the areas at Wesleyville can be protected and even enhanced for future generations. It would become the larges and most diverse protected area in our eco-district
– OPG have reached out to the group to include them in the consultation process for the proposed nuclear power plant in the area
– Students from Trent University attend the area annually as part of their program and are helping to create a directory of unique trees in the area
– The group also works to restore the area, there has been significant damage caused to the area, especially the creek, by people riding ATVs in the area.
Sandra Hicks thanked Jenny for coming and speaking to the club after her presentation and question period.
Bob Wallace provided some history about Eldorado's property at the Wesleyville location.
Bob Wallace also made presentations to members who made donations to the Rotary Foundation. John Davidson was recognized with a “Paul Harris + 1” recognition and Ken O'Neill was presented his “Paul Harris + 7” recognition. There are two other members to receive recognition in the future.
Ron spoke about the Youth Exchange program, all 3 local clubs are working together for the program this year. Lily Hall from Cobourg Collegiate Institute high school has been selected as the outbound student to represent the clubs. Lorenzo and Lily are going to the orientation workshop for students this weekend.
Lorenzo spoke to the club about his participation in a Polar Bear Dip to raise funds for the Campbellford Hospital. Lorenzo and the other youth exchange students all dipped twice to raise extra funds at the event.
Ron indicated he would send out the link to the video showing the Polar Bear event.
Jim Millington has arranged for Tom Jackson, Canadian actor and singer, to present to our club on Monday March 10. Jim suggested inviting the Northumberland Sunrise club and other guests but the club would need a larger venue. The Pod hosting in March will make arrangements to accommodate our guests for the evening.
The Taste of Port Hope event ticket sales have started, please take posters and tickets to help promote the event, The club is also seeking silent auction and live auction donations. The link to purchase online tickets is available through our club website.
Beacon for February 3 2025 Bob Wallace 2025-02-04 05:00:00Z 0

Flavours of Port Hope

Please join us for the Port Hope Rotary Club’s Gala Fundraiser evening. To order tickets click here 
On the evening of Saturday, March 1, 2025, at Cobourg Lions Hall the Port Hope Rotary Club is hosting its 2nd Annual Enjoy the Flavours of Port Hope event.
This event will showcase numerous local restaurants and caterers under one roof and, through the Port Hope Rotary Club, will raise funds for community organizations and initiatives.  
Thanks to overwhelming community support for our inaugural event last year, we raised approximately $22,000.  Along with other fundraising efforts and the generosity of the Trust Funds, we donated a total of $35,000 to support the re-opening of the Port Hope Walk-in Clinic, $25,000 to the Port Hope Town Park Recreation Centre Expansion Project, $25,000 towards the Northumberland Hills Hospital Foundation Annual Campaign, and made contributions to many other worthy causes.  This year our Rotary Club is proud to include support of local Youth Programs in our service project plans and fundraising initiatives.  
Thank you for helping Rotary to make a difference and create positive change in our community!  
During the evening guests will choose their favourite dish from several restaurants, or if their taste buds are enthusiastic, sample them all!  
But that’s not all….this fundraising event will offer more than delicious food!  Guests will enjoy the company and competition with friends and family as they browse featured items, including a silent auction, draws, balloon pop, and other prizes.  There will be live entertainment and more!  This event is an opportunity for our local restaurants to showcase their fare, serve their community, and feed hungry customers at the same time.  And it’s also an opportunity for guests to show their appreciation for our participating restaurants/caterers.  
The event promises to be a fun-filled evening full of great in-person interactions, food, and festivities that will benefit our community with the money raised!  We’re stronger when we work together!
Flavours of Port Hope Bob Wallace 2025-01-30 05:00:00Z 0

Beacon for January 20 2025

Rotary Meeting Jan 20 th
Co President Drina opened the meeting
Speaker Mark Chipman Youth Services Director and wife Leslie were introduced
Six members of the Port Hope High School Interact Club were also in attendance.
Kevin made an announcement that the Walk for Youth Wellness Hub raised around 25,000 with 5,000 help from Rotary geared towards mental health support.
Jan introduced Mark Chipman and his wife Leslie. Mark is the youth services director of district 7070.
Mark spoke about Interact and other youth services. He started with the vision statement of Rotary which is making lasting change in our community and across the world.
He then spoke on interact which got its name from a combination of international and action. It is school based and sometimes community based for kids 12 – 18. He spoke on the benefits of interact such as leadership skills that are gained, giving back to the community, networking with Rotarians, references and building your resume. He also spoke about the process of formalizing the club and electing a board.
Mark then spoke about the other youth services such as the Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium which is a 4 day event for youth 16 – 20 where they learn leadership skills and
public speaking , the youth exchange for those 15 – 19 and Rotaract for those 18 + who are not
ready yet to become a full fledged member of Rotary.
Kevin spoke about the Polar Bear swim on Sat – Sun at Campbellford that Lorenzo is participating in a link will be sent out by Ron
Ron Tuttle spoke about the Youth Exchange and teaming up with Northumberland Sunrise.
Interviews will happen on Wednesday we have 2 – 3 candidates and should have a student at the end of the week.
There is a donation to be made to the Youth Wellness Hub up to 10,000 to equip the kitchen.
They will purchase the items and send us the receipts motion made and voted on. Bruce Coleman seconded the motion and the motion was passed.
Bruce Coleman gave an update on the Coldest Night of the Year. Coldest Night and Enjoy the Flavours are one week apart. After feedback from the club it was decided that we would join the team from Port Hope United. Diane Millington will register the team tonight and will send out a link through club runner.
Bob Gibson gave an update on PHHS Community event on Feb 12. Rotary will have a table social night 5:30 – 8 pm Something will be sent via club runner
John Mowat spoke on the passing of Roger Ingram there will be a time a date to come for a service.
Steve spoke about the committee meeting of Enjoy the Flavours this Thursday at Café Liviv at 5 pm. Tickets will be available for Thursday.
The meeting was closed with the singing of O Canada
Beacon for January 20 2025 Bob Wallace 2025-01-26 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Exchange

Are you interested in Rotary Youth Exchange, please have a look at this information.
Rotary Youth Exchange Bob Wallace 2025-01-08 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Christmas Party - December 11, 2024 2024-12-16 05:00:00Z 0
December 2 2024 Beacon - Globe Cambridge High School 2024-12-04 05:00:00Z 0
Santa Claus Parade - November 30, 2024 2024-12-01 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Foundation Dinner - November 21 2024 2024-11-25 05:00:00Z 0

Christmas at the Capitol Theatre

This year thank to Drina the Rotary Club has donated a wreath for the Capitol Festival of Lights campaign at the theatre. Drina did a fabulous  job of decorating the clubs wreath,
Christmas at the Capitol Theatre 2024-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Remembrance Day 2024

Rotarians Jim and Sandra laid a wreath this morning at the cenotaph on behalf of the Port Hope Rotary Club.
Remembrance Day 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-11-11 05:00:00Z 0
Beacon for November 4, 2024 - Steve Rutledge - Adopt-a-Village-in-Laos 2024-11-09 05:00:00Z 0
The Rotary Foundation Evening Bob Wallace 2024-11-05 05:00:00Z 0
Port Hope Rotary Christmas Market 2024-10-26 04:00:00Z 0
Walk-in Clinic Grand Opening - October 24, 2024 2024-10-25 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Beacon for October 21, 2024 - Club Runner Training 2024-10-24 04:00:00Z 0
New Little Library for the Community Health Centre 2024-10-14 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Beacon for October 7, 2024 - District Governor Virginia O"Reilly 2024-10-14 04:00:00Z 0

Backpack Program

Even if they may not express it, children find comfort in having a Backpack filled with neatly arranged papers, pens, pencils, goodies, a pencil sharpener, and art supplies. 

"Students grow more confident in their abilities to participate in class when they are well-prepared for the school day," said a teacher. "With the correct tools, they can increase their independence and learn effectively." 

Teenagers are the ones who most frequently compare themselves to their peers among children. When children lack essentials like pens, pencils, notebooks, and other school supplies, they become aware of their shortage and may even link it to their family's financial standing. 

"This causes humiliation and a general lack of self-confidence. Only the right materials, whether given or brought from home, can shift their attention away from their need and into their work," added a teacher. 

Northumberland United Way is committed to supporting students in need throughout Northumberland County. We are excited to be stuffing backpacks again this year in August with essential supplies for distribution to these students. 

The Rotary Club of Port Hope supported the backpack program again this year.

Backpack Program Bob Wallace 2024-10-10 04:00:00Z 0

Tree Planting

Fifteen Rotarians and Friends of the Port Hope Rotary Club joined together to plant 90 trees in the Baulch Road Park along either side of the walking trail on the south and east sides of this large park in the north side of Port Hope.  Our club along with the other 6 Rotary Clubs in Northumberland County are completing the Northumberland 500 Trees Project with the support of the local municipalities and Trees for Life. 
Thank you to Eric Metcalfe, Parks Supervisor, and his staff from the Municipality of Port Hope for digging the holes for the trees and placing the trees beside the holes.
Tree Planting Bob Wallace 2024-10-03 04:00:00Z 0

Port Hope Steel Band Concert

The Rotary Club of Port Hope was a proud sponsor of the event promoting Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The concert is Port Hope's Memorial Park bandshell was well attended by the community.
Port Hope Steel Band Concert Bob Wallace 2024-09-30 04:00:00Z 0
September 23 2024 Beacon - Classification Talk & Club Assembly 2024-09-28 04:00:00Z 0

Port Hope Fall Fair

Lots of fun and great food at the Rotary Fall Fair Food booth. The fall fair was held the weekend of Sept 13-15 and the weather could not have been any nicer. The food booth was made successful by the many Rotarians, friends and volunteers helping out.
Port Hope Fall Fair Bob Wallace 2024-09-15 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Habitat Build

Many members of the club participated in a Habitat for Humanity build on August 29th.
Rotary Habitat Build Bob Wallace 2024-09-15 04:00:00Z 0
Annual Tuttle Corn Roast Bob Wallace 2024-08-27 04:00:00Z 0

Beacon for August 19th

President Drina called the club assembly at the Blue Leaf to order at 6:00.

Kevin introduced our exchange student, Lorenzo Fave to the club. Lorenzo is from Turin, Italy and is presently staying with Lori and Kevin.
The club is still looking for host families. If you are interested or know of a family that may host, please, let Kevin or Ron know.
Bruce distributed business cards inviting someone to join us at a regular meeting as a guest of the club.
Kevin, Jim Millington and Lauren have agreed to be pod leaders for the coming year. Drina will send out the make up the three pods and our meeting dates for this coming Rotary year.
Ron provided details for the corn roast next week at his place.
Steve mentioned that planning is underway for the fall fair running from Fri., Sept 13 to Sun., Sept. 15. A list was circulated for sign up. If you missed the opportunity reach out to Steve.
Paul noticed while that downtown and that the Rotary gazebo was starting to show signs of needing some TLC. It was decided that we would reach out to the town to explore what could be done.
Following dinner, Fran presented the financial statement for 2023/24 and also the proposed budget for 2024/25. Afterwards the club
accepted the budget as presented. A big thank you to Fran.

A reminder of the corn roast next week. This is a family event.
Beacon for August 19th Bob Wallace 2024-08-23 04:00:00Z 0

Port Hope Library Donation

Port Hope Rotary Foundation made a $2,000 donation to the Friends of Library fundraiser for the update of the children’s area at the Mary J Benson Branch. This generous contribution brings the total raised to 80% of the goal of $10,000. Many thanks to the Port Hope Rotary Club Bob Gibson, Port Hope Rotary Foundation Chairperson, presents the cheque to Margaret Scott, PHPL CEO, Bruce Bowden, Friends of the Library Chairperson, and Lydia Smith, Friends member.
Port Hope Library Donation  Bob Wallace 2024-08-14 04:00:00Z 0

Brighton Rotary Corn Roast

Several members from Port Hope had a wonderful time in Brighton with members from most of the eastern Rotary clubs. Alas our singing did not allow us to bring home the coveted trophy, maybe next year.
Brighton Rotary Corn Roast 2024-08-13 04:00:00Z 0

Rolling Grape

Many members of the club spent a wonderful summer evening at the Rolling Grape Winery. Lots of great food, music and friendship as well as great conversation among friends. 
Rolling Grape Bob Wallace 2024-08-02 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Beacon July 22, 2024

JULY 22, 2024
President Drina called the meeting to order shortly after 6. The slight delay was caused by everyone bringing their contribution to the pot luck meal. The meal was a success and Rotarians agreed we should do it again.

Our newest Rotarian, Matt Lawrence, was inducted by Kathy and John M. Matt received his pin and welcoming package which was followed by the traditional
handshake from members.

Ron circulated and update our service projects. At that time a motion was put forward and carried to donate an additional $10 000 to the walk-in clinic. This money is to be used to purchase updated computers and programs for the clinic office.

The meeting schedule and pod structure were also distributed.
Olga and Jana reported that the Surf and Turf raised approximately $ 10 000.
Although they both exhausted after the event, they have agreed to chair it again next year. Although the location hasn’t been decided the date is going to be June 14, 2025. WELL DONE !!!!

President Drina reported that Steve, Ron and herself would be attending a meeting with the mayor to discuss taxi service in the municipality. Also, she is looking for a couple of Rotarians is be club representatives at the next couple of movies in the park.

The meeting closed the singing of O Canada.
Rotary Beacon July 22, 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-07-27 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Centennial Riverview Park Bob Wallace 2024-07-23 04:00:00Z 0

Visit by Port Hope CAO Candice White

Our meeting tonight opened with President Steve and others passing delicious hors d’oeuvres due to the many guests who joined us this evening - all are welcome!

President Drina asked for the introduction of guests:
Max Chipman, Phil Carter and others representing the Jazz Festival in August
Rotarian Blake Holton who asked the club to consider donating money to a young man who lives in the north in extreme poverty. (His ask resulted in approximately $460 out of Rotarians pockets this evening to help with transport by airplane to fly into this isolated area)
Candice White (guest speaker) and Mayor Olena
Aldona Tallo

Rotarian Rob Pope our AG who heads up the Exchange Program in our district
And, I think there were a few more but I couldn’t write fast enough to get their names down, my apologies!

President Drina conducted our Rotary toast and the land acknowledgement

Kevin gave the blessing and our guest table led the way to our delicious dinner. Thank you, Lisa!

After dinner, Max Chipman and Phil Carter accepted $1000 from our Rotary club. The Jazz Festival was paused for the past two years and everyone is glad to have it back this year. The festival starts on Thursday, August 22 through that weekend and event tickets will be available. Please support and enjoy this great weekend of fabulous music!

Our guest speaker, Candace White, CAO of the municipality of Port Hope had an excellent slideshow and talk about her role including overseeing the Council Directors. We are so happy to have you here Candace. Rotarian Jim thanked her for the informative presentation.

Kathy Wallace presented the club with two awards that the Port Hope club won for contributions to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund and PolioPlus
We had a busy agenda this evening, so no happy bucks this time, the meeting adjourned after the singing of O Canada, shortly after 730.
The service projects group had a meeting after the Rotary meeting.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 22 at the Knights of Columbus Hall. This meeting will be a club assembly to talk about the Rotary year ahead.
Please remember to accept or decline your attendance so that we have the correct numbers for dinner!
Visit by Port Hope CAO Candice White Bob Wallace 2024-07-14 04:00:00Z 0

Canada Day

The Rotary Club members were out in force to celebrate Canada Day at Memorial Park.
Some were in the parade.
Some were working the car show.
Some were cooking great food along with the Knights of Columbus.
Smiles everywhere.
Canada Day Bob Wallace 2024-07-03 04:00:00Z 0

Port Hope Recreational Centre

Town Park Recreation Centre Expansion Project Celebration – June 27, 2024
The Rotary Club of Port Hope is pleased make a $25,000 donation to sponsor the large multipurpose room in the Town Park Recreation Centre Expansion Project.
This large, inviting, and accessible space will be used for programs and services for seniors and other community members.
The Rotary Club of Port Hope has a long tradition of working on community projects.
Here are some examples.
 the bridge over the river south of the library
 renovations to the Jack Burger Sports Complex
 Rotary Centennial Riverview Park near the fish ladder
 Support for restarting the Walk-in Clinic
 Remembrance Day Banners on light standards to honour veterans
 Built Little Libraries for the Port Hope Public Library
 Sponsoring the ROLLS Bus for the month of December
 The Swim for Independence Program
 Sponsoring Movies in the Park this summer
 Working with other local Rotary Clubs on the Northumberland 500 Trees Project to plant trees in town parks this fall
 Environmental garbage clean-up on Earth Day
Our club also supports international projects.
 Rotary clubs around the world have been working to end polio since 1985. There are only a few areas where there are cases of polio.
 Adopt-a-Village-in-Laos – our club’s donation combined with other Rotary clubs provided clean water for rural villages in Laos.
 Rotary Youth Exchange – a Port Hope high school student will go on a year-long exchange to Finland while our club hosts a young man from Italy for the next year
starting in August.
Our next major community project will be to support the new Youth Wellness Hub.
For more information, please contact Ron Tuttle, Director of Service Projects, Rotary
Club of Port Hope at (905) 885-4670 or
Port Hope Recreational Centre Bob Wallace 2024-06-28 04:00:00Z 0

Surf and Turf

The Port Hope Rotary Surf and Turf was a resounding success. There was amazing food especially the lobsters. The venue at Haute Goat was a wonderful place to have a beach party Lobster and Steak dinner. The friends who attended had a great time and everyone wants to return next year. Thank you to all who worked so hard and made this a success.
Surf and Turf Bob Wallace 2024-06-23 04:00:00Z 0

District 7070 Awards

The District held the awards presentations in Whitby this last Friday evening and the Port Hope club won 2 awards, one for the highest per capita giving to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund and the second was for the highest per capita giving overall to the Rotary Foundation.
One of our newest members Kathy Wallace accepted the awards on behalf of the club from DG John Burns and DGN Niecy Dillion
District 7070 Awards Bob Wallace 2024-06-21 04:00:00Z 0

Beacon for June 17th 2024

Drina Tallo welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologized that Steve could not attend because he is not feeling well. During the introduction of guests Bree Nixon welcomed Aldona (Steve and Drina's mom).
Jason Williams Director or Protective Services and Emergency Management for the Municipality of Port Hope was introduced, Jason is the guest speaker. A new member applicant, Matt Lawrence, was also introduced by Drina Tallo.
Lisa's Catering served a delicious dinner of pulled pork and pulled chicken with many side dishes. Drina thanked Lisa for the wonderful meal as she started the meeting.
John Davidson told an animated story about wanting to be a fireman until actually learning fire fighting during his time in the marines. He introduced Jason Williams who was grateful for the enthusiastic introduction.
Jason spoke about his history with Belleville Fire Services, and his work with the fire marshall's office and his passion for fire safety. His presentation focused on home fire safety. Unfortunately over 90 people in Ontario died in 2023, which is one person every 72 hours.
Over 50% of the people who die in fires are over the age of 50, most fires and fire deaths happen in residential properties. Unattended cooking is the number one cause of fires in Ontario but careless smoking is the primary cause of fatal fires.
1. If you have a grease fire- smother it. Never put water on a grease fire because it water expands 1400 times it size
2. Smoke outside, discard butts and ashes in a non-flamable container, don't smoke in bed 
3. Get out of the house and stay out – everything can be replaced
4. Keep candles away from things that can burn (curtains, paper); never leave them unattended
5. Don't overload electrical sockets, low cost extension cords from cheap stores are low quality and can cause fires
6. When a smoke alarm sounds you only have a few minutes to get out of the house. Have an escape route.
7. You need different types of smoke alarms depending on where they are located. They need to be placed outside where you sleep. Check the batteries and replace the batteries as needed.
8. Carbon Monoxide detectors are required to be outside your sleeping areas as well
Jason spoke about the challenges of dealing with electric cars if they catch on fire after a question from Paul Tait. Lithium batteries can burn without oxygen which makes them very hard to put out. The fire department has special blankets to cover the electric vehicles to let them finish burning safely, the blankets
cost $5,000+. Jason confirmed there have been no fatalities since he started working with Port Hope two years ago. Laurene thanked Jason for his presentation.
Olga and Jana spoke about the Surf & Turf event, 145 meals have been sold (93 are sit down and 46 are take out, with a few extra lobsters ordered). They are covered for volunteers for the event this Saturday.
Bob Wallace and John Mowat are working at the Classic Car Show on July 1 and would be happy to driver some Rotarians in the parade. Each car can hold 3 people, please let John know if you are interested to participate.
Bruce Coleman's Retirement party is this Thursday June 20 from 4 – 7pm at the Knights of Columbus hall, please drop in if you are available.
On June 27th at 9:00am, the Rotary club are being recognized with other donors at the Town Park Recreation Center. There will be a ceremony with local dignitaries so it would be nice to have a good turn out from our club members.
If you are available to volunteer for Canada Day events either the parade or the food booth please remember to wear red & white with your Rotary colours.
Our next club meeting is Monday July 8 and our guest speaker is Candance White (CAO, for the Municipality) and the Mayor may also join us that evening.
Happy Bucks – Bruce started the happy bucks remarking about how happy he was to hear that Ken O'Neill was recovering from his surgery . Kevin Moore was happy that he recently connected with Lorenzo, our inbound youth exchange student. Kathy Wallace was happy to spend Father's Day with her daughter. John Davidson was happy to hear from each of his grandchildren for Father's Day. Ron and Bonnie Tuttle had a fantastic Austrian river cruise, he said it was luxurious. Drina's dog was happy to get her first swim in the pool yesterday. Aldona was happy to hear about the Rotary club's support of the Youth Hub. Bree was happy to attend her first meeting in a little while. Riley Coleman was happy
because he is graduating from college tomorrow and (former Rotarian) Jessica Colman will present his diploma.
Beacon for June 17th 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Beacon for June 10th

Club Assembly
The members met upstairs at Nookies for a club assembly to review many upcoming events.
First was Surf and Turf sales which are going well as we approach the deadline. Ticket sales end this Saturday June 15th.  PLEASE PURCHASE YOUR OWN
TICKETS   AND SELL TO FRIENDS AND FAMILY. If any money is owed for physical tickets sales, please advise Bob about payment before end of week.
Kevin Moore noted that club members may have seen invitations from the District to partake with fellow Rotary members in Pride celebrations this weekend.  Kevin reminded us that here in Port Hope we are having our own Pride celebrations and he invited the club to help show support by attending the events on Sunday June 16 11am-noon in Memorial Park.
Next up was Canada Day Parade:  Calling all members interested in riding in the parade to sign-up.  Bob Wallace and John Mowat will be driving their cars in the parade. 3 seats available in each car.

Canada Day Parade Volunteers:  Collecting donations with carts. 4 volunteers needed. We will be walking in the parade collecting donation toward the cost of the parade.

Canada Day Food Booth:  The club will be volunteering, like last year, in serving food during the afternoon shift from 2:00pm to about 6:30pm
2024 Fall Fair , we will start planning for our food booth at the Port Hope Fall Fair in September
Several members gathered for breakfast on Friday to catch up on Rotary happenings. A great breakfast was served at Santorini's and great discussion. Remember all are welcome to join us for breakfast.

Feedback from the District Assembly on June 1st. 

Rotary’s Harassment Policy – Download and read. Training coming in Fall.

1. Ron Dick – Succession Planning: President-Elect selection is a key job and consists of 2 main things:
IDENTIFY & DEVELOP CANDIDATE(s). Their knowledge is key – they need to know what Rotary is about.
 When approaching candidates, promote that it’s a Distinct Honour to be a Rotary Club President (there is work yes, but don’t make that the initial focus).
 Invite new members to Board meetings (could invite different new member to each meeting)
 Encourage visiting other clubs’ meetings.
 Encourage Board to do a club leadership training session
TAKE-AWAY: Ron Dick talked about his club’s Mentor Program. Also a “10 Point Letter for New Members”.
2. Virginia O’Reilly (DGE): Rotary’s Action Plan. In her opinion, the most interesting “IRRESISTIBLE” part of being a Rotarian is DOING/SERVICE (and less about attending meetings). Can we do more of “different things” versus the same old dinner meeting and speakers series. How do we bring the Action Plan to Life? 4 Priorities give a plan to bring Rotary’s vision statement to reality:
a. IMPACT: e.g. Eradication of Polio. We must continue to DO projects, but also we need to be TELLING OUR STORIES about what we’re doing in the community. Communicate the impact on community/nation/globe of the work (actions and activities) of our clubs
b. EXPAND REACH: Grow members. Completion and continued expansion of projects. Reach out to other like-minded organizations, and be willing to partner and help them. Again, tell stories about what we’re doing. Reach out to the media & use multiple forms of media to tell our story
c. ENHANCE PARTICIPANT ENGAGEMENT: Engage the entire club in membership drive (not just the membership chair or committee). Invite all of the volunteers (non-members included) and those whom we help (I.e., community service fund and sweat equity recipients). Show them appreciation. E.g. invite them to breakfast. Find out what people doing individually, what new members WANT. New member committee that we give a restricted amount (I.e., $2K) for them to plan, and deliver a project…DRIVEN by THEM
d. ADAPT: increase our ability to adapt. Our Clubs need to reflect our communities. Don’t hesitate to take new approaches to meetings (vary the times/days of week, have fun, hybrids (zoom), etc). Encourage our snowbird members to join via ZOOM more consistently. Rotary’s ACTION PLAN is our guide to creating an experience people don’t want to miss, that draws others in, and our guide to being proud & loud about telling our story!
3. Mark Chipman: Rotary Youth.
a. Ideas to engage our youth. E.g.: One district hedwriting/speech contest to ask youth to speak about the Rotary Theme for the Year (e.g. the Magic of Rotary). It was a great way to engage both them and their parents (led to some new members).
b. District goal to revive youth programs.
c. Interact – award the youth with volunteer hours for attending meetings.
      i. Need a student champion to recruit peers
      ii. Need a sponsor/teacher/guidance councillor/staff person IN THE SCHOOL to be the liaison.
      iii. Need 15 kids to charter a Rotaract club
d. What can each of our clubs do to grow our Youth Programs?
     i. Bring info back and share with our club. (is there a scholarship program in our club?)
     ii. Reach out to club family members/friends – identify potential youth to engage with.
     iii. Join the District Youth Services Committee
     iv. Ensure funding for youth within our club’s budget
     v. Do we have Youth Services Committee within our Club?
Beacon for June 10th Bob Wallace 2024-06-15 04:00:00Z 0

June breakfast meeting

Several members of the Port Hope Rotary club had breakfast together at Santorini's on June 14th to catch up on Rotary Port Hope happenings. Everyone is welcome to attend thesde breakfast get togethers.
June breakfast meeting Bob Wallace 2024-06-14 04:00:00Z 0

Beacon for May 27th 2024

The club met on Monday evening May 27th and were treated to a wonderful meal prepared by our own Steve Tallo. We could get very used to this amazing spread. There were two guests in attendance Matt Lawrence and Judith O'Leary.
The topic for this evening was a recap of our successes during the current Rotary year and plans for the next Rotary year.
Ron Tuttle spoke about the Service Projects work,
Sandra and Bruce spoke about our club membership, we are up net 9 members this year which is amazing and our goal for next year is to repeat this growth.
Bob Gibson gave a recap of the clubs restricted funds which are doing extremely well.
The main event was a presentation by our co-presidents Steve and Drina. There was a lot to see in their presentation so here is the link to the presentation
Beacon for May 27th 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-06-04 04:00:00Z 0

Latest Paul Harris Fellow

At our meeting on May 27th we recognized our newest Paul Harris Fellow for his generous donation to the Rotary Foundation. Pictured here is John Davidson being presented with his certificate and Paul Harris pin.
Also on Monday evening we received a District Grant from the Rotary Foundation to further our work on the Rotary Centennial Riverview Park. Pictured here is Ron Tuttle receiving the cheque from Bob Wallace District Foundation Chair
Latest Paul Harris Fellow Bob Wallace 2024-05-29 04:00:00Z 0

Beacon for May 6, 2024

Co-President Drina opening the meeting and welcomed all members
and guests. Guest attending the meeting were:

Mayor Olena Hankivsky
Scott Cameron (General Manager of the Port Hope Area Initiative)
Judith O'Leary
Sarah Turck
Aldona Tallo
Julio (friend of Steve Tallo)
Co-President Drina then gave the Toast Member Kevin Moore gave the Land Acknowledgement and said the grace
Past President Run Tuttle discussed 2 service projects approved by the Service Projects committee that requires approval by the club.
  • First motion:
o The committee recommends that our club make a donation of $25,000 spread over two Rotary fiscal periods. The motion was moved, seconded and approved
  • Second motion:
 The committee recommends that the club make a donation of $2,500 to the Town of Port Hope to help sponsor five movies in the park during the 2024 summer. The sponsorship provides recognition on the town website, a pre-movie slideshow about the Rotary Club of Port Hope and the right to install Rotary signage in the park. The motion was moved,
seconded and approved.
Member Robert Gibson gave the club an update of an upcoming volunteer project for club members, families and friends to assist in the Habitat for Humanity, Northumberland's Baltimore project. Details will follow for this one day volunteer event. The date will be in July and will commence at 8:30am and end at 3:00pm. Volunteers will need to complete a safety training session in the morning. Financial support is appreciated, but not mandatory. Financial support will likely come from the Club or the Trust Funds.
Past President Ken O"Neill then introduced Mayor Olena Hankivsky who filled in for the Town of Port Hope's CAO Candice White who was unable to attend.
The Mayor discussed the Youth Wellness Hub Ontario (YWHO) that will be opening in Port Hope at 15 Cavan Street. The Mayor informed the Club of the following:
 Across Ontario, there are 27 YWHO Hub networks (with 5 more coming, Port Hope being one of these new Hub networks).
 The YWHO Hub Networks provide high-quality integrated youth services to support the well-being of young people aged 12 to 25, including mental health and substance use supports, primary care, community and social supports.
 YWHO is delivered through partnerships with local service providers to support young people and improve outcomes for the community.
 YWH's Hubs are active in Western Canada, the GTA but mostly western GTAs
 The Mayor approached MPP David Piccini regarding the YWHO in Port Hope to service Northumberland youth.
 Rebound will be a significant Community Support group for the Port Hope YWHO
 Both the Chief of Police and Port Hope and Cobourg were instrumental in the establishment of the Port Hope YWHO
 Funding of $3.5 million over the next 5 years is required and Cameco has agreed to fund $500,000. The remainder will come from the Government of Ontario, business, and individuals. The Government of Ontario has indicated that they will support the Port Hope YWHO with $680,000 for operations and another
$100,000 for capital.
 On Thursday May 2 the Ontario Minister of Health, the Minister Mental Health and Addictions and MPP David Piccini along with many community representatives toured the site.
 On Friday May 3 Fundraising discussions commenced
 On Saturday May 4 Youth Groups visited the site
 The Port Hope YWHO will have 
 a greenhouse
 a pool and ping pong tables
 a 70 inch television
 a library
 The Mayor talked about the necessary 3 T's being Time, Talent and Treasury

Past President Bree Nixon thanked the Mayor. 
Member Olga Chernuck provided the Club members an update on the Surf and Turf dinner and advised the members that a proportion of the net proceeds will support the Port Hope Youth Wellness Hub.
Member Adam Pearson provided the Club an update of the recent Port Hope clean-up efforts of the past weekend.
Co-President Steve Tallo advised the Club of the following
 On Monday May 13 there will be a full Board meeting
 The second Breakfast meeting of the Club will take place on Friday May 17 at Santorinis
 On May 27 the coming year "kick-off" meeting will take place
 On June 1 District 7070 District Assembly will take place at Centennial College, Scarborough and many of our club members will be attending
 On June 20 Past President Bruce Coleman will be retiring from his 45 year legal career. A celebration will take place on that date and club members are invited.
Member Robert Gibson then gave his Rotary moments. Robert talked about 3 Rotary moments, these being associated with volunteering on Club events in the Town of Port Hope, as Chair of the Trust Fund Committee and his attendance at the Health Leadership Summit recently held in Toronto.
The meeting then had Happy Bucks when many Club members participated.
Beacon for May 6, 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

Port Hope Youth Wellness Hub

Many members of the Port Hope Rotary club participated in the grand opening of the Port Hope Youth Wellness Hub.

The Ontario government is launching a new youth wellness hub to serve the Municipality of Port Hope and the surrounding area. 

The hub — to be located at 15 Cavan Street near downtown Port Hope — will begin in 2025 to offer free mental health, primary care and addiction services to youth ages 12 to 25 throughout Northumberland County and Alderville First Nation.

It is one of 10 new hubs the province is adding to its existing network of 22 hubs opened since 2020, says Sylvia Jones, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. The province is providing approximately $1 million for the project.

Port Hope Youth Wellness Hub Bob Wallace 2024-05-03 04:00:00Z 0

Beacon for April 22nd 2024

The meeting covered a variety of topics. The Service Project committee led by Ron Tuttle arranged a tour of the newly expanded Port Hope Recreation Centre on McCaul Street at 5 pm. Many members of the club toured the new areas available at the park. The municipality has embarked on a fund raising campaign and the Port Hope Club is considering supporting this campaign. Possibilities are the the large event space meeting room or the inner garden. Naming rights for either of these are $25,000. The club may consider this over a two year period.
After leaving the Rec Centre we gathered at the Knights of Columbus hall for an amazing meal prepared by our own Steve Tallo.
The meal was not quite ready so co-president Drina started the meeting asking Jan Boycott to give the club an update on Rotary Youth Exchange and Port Hope Rotary's history. The club started with youth exchange in 1978 and had exchanges for several years There was a gap in the 80's and then Ron Tuttle our president at the time in 1989 got us back into youth exchange. This lasted until COVID when all Rotary Youth Exchanges were stopped. Several Port Hope members have been extremely active in leadership of the district youth exchange program, Ron Tuttle, Ken O'Neill and Tom Sears. 
The club is now back into youth exchange led by Kevin Moore and Jan Boycott, we will be welcoming Lorenzo from Turin to our community in August. Jan asked us all to consider possibly hosting Lorenzo while he is here and to also include him in any family events. Lorenzo will be staying with the Moore's for the first couple of months.

After dinner Steve led us on an impassioned discussion on the Rotary 4 Way Test and the Rotary Ways. We all must treat each other and everyone we meet with patience and understanding and at all times following the 4 way test.
The highlight of the night was the induction of our four newest members, Lori Moore, Jana MacNeil, Sherry Zwetsloot and Jessica Dodd.
The induction was led by our membership committee Bruce Coleman and Sandra Hicks
Bob Wallace pointed out that with these wonderful new members our club is now exactly 50/50 women and men.
Lots of happy buck followed by most of the members.
There was also discussion and updates on the clubs upcoming next fund raiser the Annual Surf and Turf dinner to be held on June 22nd.
Beacon for April 22nd 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-04-23 04:00:00Z 0
September 9th 2024 Beacon - Tracy McCarthy, Principal Port Hope High school Bob Wallace 2024-04-22 04:00:00Z 0

Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup

Many members of the Port Hope Rotary Club and community gathered on a wet Sunday afternoon to clean up parts of our town. 
How we found it when we arrived and after we were finished. 
Many bags of trash were collected.
Always time for a beer after working hard
Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup Bob Wallace 2024-04-22 04:00:00Z 0
Haute Goat Baaabrunch and Learn Bob Wallace 2024-04-20 04:00:00Z 0

Surf and Turf Dinner

The Rotary Club of Port Hope invites you to join us at our "Surf & Turf 2024" to fundraise for community projects, including the new Youth Wellness Hub.

The meal includes fresh Atlantic lobster AND grilled 8 oz AAA steak (Both cooked onsite. No choice/substitutions), salads, sides and strawberry shortcake.  (We suggest you bring a cooler to keep dinner leftovers!)  

New this year, the in-person event will be held at the Haute Goat Farm, and the experience will include a visit with the goats and alpacas. Dinner will be served buffet-style in a casual indoor setting at picnic tables set on sand. Fun-raising activities will include a LIVE AUCTION.

Later we will gather by the campfire under the stars (bring your own lawn chair). Don't miss the fun!

Take-out orders are also available. There are 3 take out options, full Steak and Lobster, Lobster only or Steak only. All steaks are ready for you to BBQ

Take out pickup locations will be Port Hope United Church, 34 South St between 4:00pm and 5:00pm

The deadline for ALL tickets and take-out orders is JUNE 15th.

Click here to place your orders


Surf and Turf Dinner Bob Wallace 2024-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

Beacon for March 25, 2024

March 25, 2024
Haute Goat
Prior to the start of the meeting everyone toured the facilities at Haute Goat.
The first stop on our tour was the large building that could be the location for the Surf & Turf dinner this year.
We then moved on to one of the yurts that they have for use by visitors. Drina called the meeting to order shortly after 6:00 with the usual toast to Canada, The Monarchy and First Nations. We were then served whatever meal we had ordered off the menu. I had their Smash Burger and it was excellent.
After dinner Olga gave an in depth presentation of the plans that have been made for our annual Surf and Turf.
The plan this year is to use a new venue at Haute Goat and return to a sit down type of meal with entertainment and live auction.
I have itemized most of the information in point form below. After Happy Bucks the meeting closed with the singing of O Canada.
Surf & Turf 2024 Early Planning
June 22/24 date at Haute Goat
Capacity – 225 to 250 diners
Price - $100 per person to $130 per person
Down East Music
Alpaca experience from 4:30 to 5:30
There will be a bon fire. Bring your lawn chairs & blanket
Roast Beef will be done off site.
Dessert- Goat ice cream
Rotary will control the bar but will hire bartenders
Live auction but no silent auction.
May consider shuttle buses
There will be adequate parking on both sides of the large building that will host the event
Will have portable toilets nearby and indoor toilets a very short walk away.
Beacon for March 25, 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-03-29 04:00:00Z 0

Beacon for March 11th 2024

Sorry, very few notes from the March 11th meeting.
Olga, advised the Club that the former Lobster Fest will be held this year. The plan is to hold a sit down style event at a location facility large enough to accommodate the size of the group who purchased lobsters. 
Participants gather.  In the past. As a result of the Covid situation the Club offered “hot lobster” - fresh from the east Coast to be picked up  by the clients and taken home for their consumption with family and friends gatherings.
Thus the idea of the former style of an event at a location for all to come and enjoy as a group. Further details will be forthcoming.. Sometime in mid May or early June.
Rotary Moment by - Jim Gilmer
Jim provided a memorable Moment with in ROTARY.  Back in 1989-1990 the whole Rotary changed their membership to include Women as eligible participants to join Rotary.
Jim alluded to that was one of the great moments when this announcement was made.  To this day the RI has benefitted greatly from this change from this source of new members.    
Our Club welcome our first female member, Susan Rafuse who became a very active Club member to this day.
Beacon for March 11th 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-03-18 04:00:00Z 0

Learning in Action

New materials for club committee chairs are now available in the Learning Center
 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌  ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
Preparing club officers for their upcoming year
Have clubs in your district elected committee chairs for the upcoming Rotary year? When they do, the incoming leaders should enroll in their learning plans and complete all of the courses before your district training assembly. 
Membership Committee
Administration Committee
Rotary Foundation Committee
Service Projects Committee
Public Image Committee
Shifting from training to learning
If you couldn't attend our webinar about Rotary's shift from a training model to a learning model, you can still watch a recording.

Link to recording:
Passcode: h7%Ua!Ne
Learning Center tips
Do you want to use the Learning Center on your mobile device? The first time you use the Learning Center, you'll need to sign in from a desktop or laptop computer. Follow these steps on a computer: 
Then follow these steps on your phone or tablet:
  • Open your browser and sign in to My Rotary.
  • Scroll down and choose Learning Center. 
  • If you haven't already done so, download the Go.Learn app, but don't open it. 
  • Return to the browser and tap the YES button when asked whether you've installed the app.
  • The Go.Learn app will open. If you are shown welcome instructions on how to use the app, you can choose the skip option.
You can now use the Learning Center on your mobile device.

If you already have the Go.Learn app and are experiencing issues in using it, we recommend uninstalling the app and restarting the mobile device part of the process above. It's also a good idea to make sure your browser is up-to-date. 
Learning in Action Bob Wallace 2024-03-15 04:00:00Z 0

Bowmanville Centennial

Join us for an unforgettable evening at the Courtyard by Marriott Oshawa as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Bowmanville Rotary. Get ready for a night filled with laughter, food, drink, music, and great company. 
Location:  Courtyard by Marriot, Oshawa
                 1011 Bloor St. E. Oshawa, Ontario L1H 7K6
Cocktails at 6pm
Dinner at 7pm
$125 per ticket 

Here's your reservation link your guests can use to make reservations:

http://Book your group rate for Rotary 100th Gala Group Block

Bowmanville Centennial Bob Wallace 2024-03-10 05:00:00Z 0

Flavours of Port Hope Success

story thumbnail
On Saturday March 2nd the Rotary club of Port Hope welcomed nearly 200 special guests to the first annual Flavours of Port Hope.
The guests were treated to delicious food and desserts prepared and supplied by 10 local restaurants and caterers. Many dollars were raised to help local Rotary projects including the reopening of the Port Hope walk in clinic.
Mayor Olena welcomed the guests and gave thanks for Rotary's work in the community
Many thanks to Dalewood Golf Club for being our host for the evening.
Many local businesses donated gifts for the silent auction and contributions to the live auction were made by Port Hope’s Mayor, numerous Councillors, Police Services, Fire & Emergency Services, Rotarians, and several businesses.
The MC for the evening who did a wonderful job was Kevin Stuart from Northumberland 89.7 FM.  The radio station helped promote our event and greatly contributed to the evening’s success.
Among the many activities was the Dalewood golf simulator where our District 7070 Bowmanville Rotarian Pauline Calvert took some mighty swings
Flavours of Port Hope Success Bob Wallace 2024-03-05 05:00:00Z 0

Beacon for February 19th 2024

Attendance was sparce but those present enjoyed themselves.

After a 2 pie (pizza and apple) and huge salad dinner, there was a brief business

Tree Planting
PP Ron, Chair of Service Projects, reported on a project to plant 500 trees in Northumberland. All clubs in the county are participating. Our club will get 90 trees and they are to be planted upon consultation with the Municipality. Perhaps some will go to our new park. The club will contribute $700.00 to this project.
Flavours of Port Hope
Co-Presidents Drina and Steve reported on the anticipated success of the Flavours of Port Hope event. They noted that it was virtually sold out and on-line ticket sales were stopped.
Including tickets provided to some sponsors, more than 175 tickets have been sold or distributed.
Volunteer sign-up sheets were passed around to elicit help with set up, decoration, silent auction, accounting, door duty, take down, etc. Members not in attendance may be their assignments.

Coldest Night of the Year
PP Bruce thanked members for collecting donations and for participating in the upcoming walk on Saturday, February 24 th . He confirmed reservations for a post walk lunch at Olympus Burger.

Learning Opportunities
PDG Bob announced 3 upcoming events.
1. “The Magic of Rotary” (on-line Membership workshop, February 20th , with incoming RI President Stephanie Urchick).
2. Peace Forum: “Hearts and Hands for Peace”, online, February 22nd .
3. “International Women’s Day Celebration” Rotary Global Classroom, Durham College
(and online), March 8th .
Don’t Tell OLG
PP Ken proposed bringing back a 50/50 or Chase the Aces type of draw to raise additional club funds at regular club meetings.
Fun and Games
After business was completed, it was time to “let the games begin”. However, despite the presence of paraphernalia for a plethora of games, much of the time was spent socializing. Only a few rounds of “Jenga” and “Dutch Blitz” were played. (There were no boastful winners and no pouting losers).
Beacon for February 19th 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Coldest Night of the Year

Here we are ready to take on the Coldest Night of the Year walk.
Here are some brave Rotarians at the half way point on the Coldest Night of the Year walk in Port Hope.
Coldest Night of the Year Bob Wallace 2024-02-25 05:00:00Z 0

Beacon for February 5th 2024

We were joined by Gillian Smith-Clark, Sarah Sculthorpe, Will Kennedy, Kerry Lynch & Carson Lynch, Haylee Jolicoeur- outbound student, Jana McNeil friend of Olga’s and Irena Orlowski and we welcome back to our club Rotarian Jennifer Mercer.
Haylee announced she will be going to Finland for the youth exchange program.
Gillian Smith Clark from Port Hope Racquet Club spoke to us about their club and information about the dome that was given to them by the Canadian Sports Management Company. The Racquet Club is a Non- For-Profit Club which is volunteered run.  Their wishes are to grow the game of tennis in our community with children and youth being their focus. Currently there are 130 members.
The club members travel to Oshawa or Toronto to play this sport during the winter months.  The Dome will benefit not only our community but neighboring communities. There are no covered courts in Peterborough, Cobourg, Newcastle, and surrounding areas.
Gillian spoke about the benefit to our community. Our local businesses will benefit as the covered courts will bring new people to Port Hope because of tournaments. Since there are no other covered tennis courts in the surrounding areas our neighboring communities will use Port Hope courts instead of travelling to Durham and GTA this will also bring new customers to our local businesses.
The fundraising efforts are in full swing. The dedicated racquet club members and local business are donating and are fully supportive of the Dome.  They are hoping that Rotary club of Port Hope will support and partner with the Racquet Club.
Gillian informed us of benefits of this sport, safe, no risk, affordable, welcoming and accessible. A different environment for youth to experience and scholarship opportunity for young people in USA. It common for young ladies to drop out of sports between the age of 10-17. They intend to focus on this age group to help instill a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation.
Sarah Sculthorpe added that Port Hope was the identified by All Sport Company as they felt it is the best location for the Dome to be placed. Municipality will support staffing but not provide funds for Dome.
Carson Lynch is a new young tennis enthusiast; he began playing in March of 2023 and is now competitive as an advanced junior. He is very passionate about the sport, and it would make life easier if he didn’t have to travel so far to play in the winter months.
Happy Bucks
Your scribe is a newbie and missed recording all the Happy Bucks.
  • Sylvia wished John Mowat a Happy Birthday
  • Olga was happy for the sunshine.
  • Kathy was happy to think about grooming her granddaughter to play tennis.
  • Ken shared all his tips from the bar and that made him happy.
  • Jennifer lent Jan money to express her happiness. Welcome back Jennifer and Happy Birthday.
  • Drina happy about Groundhog Day for an early spring.
"Apologies to those I missed or if I embellished your 'happy buck' comments."
Feb.19th, (Family Day Meeting)
This will be a Pizza and salad, euchre, and cribbage at the Knights Hall the evening will begin at normal meeting time 5:30. Normally we pay 20$ per member /guest could be 10$ will finalize before the meeting. We will need volunteers to bring cards and crib boards. Please reach out to Sandra if you can help.
Coldest Night of the Year: Feb. 24th,2024
Bruce reported that we have several members and others on our walking team, (No Flakes) to raise funds for Green Wood Coalition. Our walk will start in the Rotary Park (downtown) at 10:00 ish AM and proceed to the Rotary Riverview Park at Jocelyn St. and back, with lunch probably at Olympus Burger.
Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny: April 13th,2024
Ron Tuttle reported that volunteers are needed for this event. Rotary will be offering hot chocolate and snacks. There will be no Crazy Crafts this year because of the construction with the bridge. In place of crazy craft is may be float yourself down the Ganny.
Enjoy the Flavours of Port Hope Gala ( Mar.2nd, 2024)
Co-Presidents Drina and Steve reported that ticket sales are going well. We are still looking for sponsors and auction items. Please reach out if you would like to sponsor, know a company that would like to sponsor or to donate an auction item.
Beacon for February 5th 2024 Bob Wallace 2024-02-19 05:00:00Z 0
Beacon Jan 22, 2024 2024-02-07 05:00:00Z 0
Christmas Party on December 13, 2023 2023-12-21 05:00:00Z 0
Port Hope Rotary Beacon for December 11, 2023 2023-12-20 05:00:00Z 0
Cobourg, Northumberland Sunrise and Port Hope Curling Bonspiel Bob Wallace 2023-12-10 05:00:00Z 0

Special Rotary Event

Just a reminder that on Monday December 11th we have a very special guest coming to our meeting. Rotary International Director Drew Kessler will be there to speak and induct some new members. We have never had an International Director attend one of our meetings so this is very special for all of us to meet him. Please be sure to attend on Monday evening, spouses and guests are more than welcome.
Special Rotary Event Bob Wallace 2023-12-04 05:00:00Z 0
Port Hope Rotary Beacon for November 13 2023 Ron Tuttle 2023-11-06 05:00:00Z 0
Port Hope Rotary Beacon for October 30, 2023 Ron Tuttle 2023-11-06 05:00:00Z 0
Christmas Market Bob Wallace 2023-10-31 04:00:00Z 0
Port Hope Rotary Beacon for October 16 2023 Ron Tuttle 2023-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

2023 Rotary Foundation Walk

On October 15th our club participated in the Rotary Foundation Walk. A great day of fun and fellowship while raising money for the Foundation.
2023 Rotary Foundation Walk Bob Wallace 2023-10-24 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Cooks Breakfast For Cameco Employees Ron Tuttle 2023-09-30 04:00:00Z 0
Fall Fair 2023 Ron Tuttle 2023-09-26 04:00:00Z 0

Waterfront and Riverwalk Master Plan – Julia Snoek

Program Director of Service Projects Ron Tuttle introduced Julia Snoek, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture for the town. Julia and her staff including Floyd Beattie, Eric Metcalfe, Leslie Murray and Amanda Millar have been very helpful as we planned and developed the park.
Tonight, Julia will speak to us about the draft Waterfront and Riverwalk Master Plan that the Waterfront and Riverwalk Working Group have developed after much public consultation and input.
The Final Waterfront and Riverwalk Master Plan will be presented to council in September. The plan sets the framework for future development along our waterways. The Master Plan includes five key areas of interest. These five areas will be viewed holistically and will result in a remarkable waterfront and riverwalk experience for residents and visitors alike. The five key areas of interest are: • West Beach • Inner Harbour • Centre Pier • East Beach to Gages Creek (including A.K. Sculthorpe Marsh) • The Ganaraska River from Lake Ontario to Highway 401 (including Corbett’s Dam, Optimist Park, Port Hope’s historic downtown) The master plan has a number of goalsfor the design outcomes: - serve community needs - respect for Indigenous people - support a variety of recreation activities - safe and accessible access to the water’s edge - protection of natural features - recognize heritage features - improve connectivity of walking and cycling trails - more public washrooms - support for a marina - commitment to public safety Julia said that they are hoping that there will be a public art display along the river and opportunities for education about the impact of Indigenous people. Other short-term plans include enhanced tree planting along the river south of Optimist Park. You can download the two parts of the Master Plan and watch a short video at There will be an idea book set up for community members to submit ideas for the Waterfront and Riverwalk. 
Rotary Storage Container Ken O’Neill asked for volunteers to meet at Simpson Memorial on Toronto Road on Friday, August 25 at 2:30 p.m. to move the 80mpaaving stones to our storage container near Epic Gym. On that day Ken told us that we don’t need a new home for our storage container since Walter Hilman did not get approval from CN for his expansion plans.
Membership Committee Report Co-Chairs Sandra Hicks and Bruce Coleman and the committee have developed strategies to increase membership.
Watch for more details soon. Seniors’ Seminar Drina encouraged interested members to sign up for the Seniors Seminar on Tuesday, August 19 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Cameco Room at the Cobourg Community Centre at 750 D’Arcy Street, Cobourg. There will be booths set up from local community organizations, all geared towards supporting seniors. It will be set up like an information fair, so seniors are free to walk around and ask questions to respective businesses and local organizations.
Wording on Sign in Park: The Rotary Club of Port Hope celebrated 100 years of service in 2022. To commemorate our centennial, the club along with the Municipality of Port Hope installed the shade structure and made improvements to the park by adding gardens, shrubs, trees and benches. Rotary International is a humanitarian service organization which brings together business and professional leaders in order to provide community service, promote integrity, and advance goodwill, peace, and understanding. The Rotary Club of Port Hope gives volunteer and financial support to organizations and individuals in our community and also participates in international projects. Find out more at
Waterfront and Riverwalk Master Plan – Julia Snoek Bob Wallace 2023-08-29 04:00:00Z 0

Riverview Park Updates

The club continues the work on the Port Hope Centennial Riverview Park project. The pollinator garden has stater as well some of the benches have been installed.
Riverview Park Updates Bob Wallace 2023-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

District News

Good morning, Robert.
Weekly message to D7070 AGs, Rotary and Rotaract Club Presidents & Club Secretaries from DG Iosif Ciosa. 
Please forward to your members!
Welcome to mid May!

What a week has been? Starting with visiting the Rotary Club of Trenton and Colborne a great evening at these 4 Walls.  Thursday was a full day starting with special presentation by David Howard from Homes for Heroes at the Toronto Club, followed by the 34th annual Oshawa Parkwood's  ANNUAL REVERSE DRAW, DINNER, AND SILENT AUCTION. Culminating with RYLS at Ganarasca Forest. Kudos to Mark, Niecy, Janet and Laura, for organizing the RYLS event. The young men and women had an amazing time.

District News Bob Wallace 2023-05-15 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Port Hope/Agnew Golf and Social Event Bob Wallace 2023-05-10 04:00:00Z 0

District News

Good morning, Robert.
Weekly message to D7070 AGs, Rotary and Rotaract Club Presidents & Club Secretaries from DG Iosif Ciosa. 
Please forward to your members!
Welcome to the second week of May!

The  District Assembly was this past Saturday. Our first in-person District Assembly since COVID. What a day it was? Thank you to the speakers, everyone that came out and Centennial College for the great venue. A chance to learn, connect and friendship. 





District News Bob Wallace 2023-05-08 04:00:00Z 0

2023 Surf and Turf

4th Annual Surf & Turf Dinner at Home

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Surf and Turf a great success thanks to all these workers.
2023 Surf and Turf Bob Wallace 2023-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Little Libraries

The club has a project to build some additional little libraries to be placed by the library in the municipality. Thanks to the skill of Rotarian Tom Sears 5 are being constructed, two of which are finished and ready for installation. Thanks also for the painting skills of Tom's wife Doreen.
Little Libraries Robert Wallace 2023-05-02 04:00:00Z 0

Club Assembly

President Jim called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm and since it was a club assembly there were no visitors or guests this evening. Our traditional toast was said by President Jim and Past President Paul Tait resighted our Rotary Grace.
Lisa prepared a lovely souvlaki dinner with salad, pita bread and rice but the Tuxedo Cake for dessert was the cherry on top!  Thank you Lisa and helpers.
Club Assembly Bob Wallace 2023-05-02 04:00:00Z 0
Centennial Riverview Park Bob Wallace 2023-05-01 04:00:00Z 0

District weekly news

Good morning, Robert.
Weekly message to D7070 AGs, Rotary and Rotaract Club Presidents & Club Secretaries from DG Iosif Ciosa. 
Please forward to your members!
District weekly news Bob Wallace 2023-05-01 04:00:00Z 0

District 7070 Weekly News

Good morning, Robert.
Weekly message to D7070 AGs, Rotary and Rotaract Club Presidents & Club Secretaries from DG Iosif Ciosa. 
Please forward to your members!
Welcome to the last week of April!
This past Saturday, 22nd of April East Day; was our Rotary Day of Service - Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup. What a day it was, rain, rain and more rain.... Rotarians, Rotaractors and Interactors still got together with community partners to remove all kinds of garbage from the Great Watershed. Please send your photos to Dan Combes the chair of GLWC.
District 7070 Weekly News Bob Wallace 2023-04-24 04:00:00Z 0

Elder Abuse

Pres Jim welcomed everyone to the fellowship of Rotary. Sandra introduced her two guests – the first
being Norma Daniel who owns High Fields Day and Destination Spa on Rose Glen Road and the second
person being the guest speaker for the evening, Missy McLean from the Northumberland Elder Abuse
Resource Network (NEARN). Following a Rotary toast and Rotary prayer, dinner was served.
Elder Abuse Bob Wallace 2023-04-19 04:00:00Z 0

Weekly District news April 17th

Good morning, Robert.
Weekly message to D7070 AGs, Rotary and Rotaract Club Presidents & Club Secretaries from DG Iosif Ciosa. 
Please forward to your members!
Welcome to the Third Week of April. What a week we had, summer came for a visit embracing us with sun and warmth. Perhaps a little early...  
PDG Jim Louttit and PDG Bob Wallace this past Friday organized a special opportunity to mix and mingle with Senior Rotary Leaders; Past RI President and TRF Trustee Chair Elect Barry Rassin; Past RI Director and Trustee Director Dean Rohrs; and Past TRF Trustee Chair Brenda Cressey. It was a great opportunity to listen to their messages and have informal  conversations, a truly inspirational evening.
Thank you Jim and Bob.
Weekly District news April 17th Iosef Ciosa 2023-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

Float your Fanny 2023

Thousands of people descended on the banks the the Ganaraska River in Port Hope to watch the 2023 edition of Float you Fanny Down the Ganny. The Port Hope Rotary was there at the finish line to provide hot chocolate and snacks along with goodie bags and commemorative shirts. 
Float your Fanny 2023 Bob Wallace 2023-04-08 04:00:00Z 0

Membership Evening

The Port Hope Rotary club recently invited past members to an information meeting to tell them what the club is currently up to. Attendance was wonderful and a lot of fun was had by all. As you can see by the smiling faces everyone enjoyed the evening especially the meal and fellowship.
Membership Evening Bob Wallace 2023-02-27 05:00:00Z 0

Paul Harris Recognition

The Rotary Club of Port Hope recognized 4 people on Monday evening for the dedicated work within the municipality of Port Hope and Rotary
Paul Harris Recognition Bob Wallace 2022-11-24 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Centennial Riverview Park

Many Rotarians, municipality leaders and local citizens gathered at the new Rotary Centennial Riverview Park for the grand ribbon cutting to kick off the Port Hope Rotary clubs new park activities.
Rotary Centennial Riverview Park Bob Wallace 2022-11-24 05:00:00Z 0

The New Shade Structure

The work on the Port Hope Rotary Centennial Riverview Park has started. Here is the finished shade structure installed in the new park
The New Shade Structure Robert Wallace 2022-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Riverview Park

The work on the park has started. Here we see the completion of the concrete pad for the shade structure.
Rotary Riverview Park Robert Wallace 2022-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Library Computer Tables

Hard working members of the club assembled computer tables for use by the public when using the Mary J Benson branch of the Port Hope library. Lots of hands made quick work which was followed by a bite to eat at a local restaurant.
Library Computer Tables Robert Wallace 2022-10-04 04:00:00Z 0
Port Hope Centennial Gala Bob Wallace 2022-05-16 04:00:00Z 0
2022 Surf and Turf Bob Wallace 2022-04-29 04:00:00Z 0

Support for Ukraine

The Rotary Club of Port Hope hosted a fundraising effort from March 5 to 15, 2022. Funds were used in partnership with Shelter to provide emergency housing for people displaced by the crisis in Ukraine. Rotary club of Port Hope volunteers and generous community donors raised $4,800 during the 10 day campaign. Those donations were then matched by the Rotary Club of Toronto so a total of $9,600 was sent to support efforts by Shelter Box housing Ukrainian families in Poland.
Thank you to Home Hardware in Port Hope which provided space in their store for the club to collect in-person donations.
Support for Ukraine Robert Wallace 2022-03-29 04:00:00Z 0
Coldest Night of the Year Bob Wallace 2022-03-03 05:00:00Z 0
Rotary Club of Port Hope Paul Harris Awards Dinner Presentations Video - November 2021 Robert MacArthur 2021-12-15 05:00:00Z 0

Port Hope Veterans Banners Displayed for the Third Year

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For the third year in a row the Rotary Club of Port Hope has been involved in displaying banners of Port Hope veterans. With the assistance of the Municipality of Port Hope, Port Hope Legion, and the Port Hope Heritage Business Improvement Area, fifty Port Hope veterans have banners hung up in their honour in and around Port Hope this year.
Port Hope Veterans Banners Displayed for the Third Year Robert MacArthur 2021-10-29 04:00:00Z 0
Port Hope Rotary Thanked by the Municipality of Port Hope Accessibility Advisory Committee 2021-10-26 04:00:00Z 0

Dedication of Farley Mowat Park - September 29, 2021

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Members of the Rotary Club of Port Hope and Port Hope Town Council, the Mowat family and members of the Parks Recreation and Advisory Committee along with interested citizens gathered at the newly named Farley Mowat Park on the east side of the Ganaraska River by the boat-roofed house on Wednesday, September 29 for a dedication ceremony.
Dedication of Farley Mowat Park - September 29, 2021 2021-10-06 04:00:00Z 0

Did You Know? - Rotary Bridge

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The Port Hope Rotary Club was chartered in 1922 and the members of the day recognised that the downtown and Ganaraska river were going to be an important focal points for generations to come.
Did You Know? - Rotary Bridge Robert MacArthur 2021-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Did You Know? - Little Libraries

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The Port Hope Rotary club recognized that literacy is very important to each of us. The club knew that many do use the library but also have mountains of books in our homes that were gathering dust.
Did You Know? - Little Libraries 2021-09-10 04:00:00Z 0

What Rotary Means To Me - Bud Lynch

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Rotary began for me in September 1973 when my client and great friend Ted Lacey invited me to join him for a Rotary meeting at Idalia Golf Club. At 29 I became the youngest member, but was impressed with the courtesy and respect I was afforded by members who seemed to be all the movers and shakers of the Port Hope community.

What Rotary Means To Me - Bud Lynch 2021-09-02 04:00:00Z 0 Rotarian Profile
What Rotary Means To Me - Jim Millington 2021-09-02 04:00:00Z 0 Rotarian Profile
Bronze Shelter Box Hero for 2020-2021 Robert MacArthur 2021-08-03 04:00:00Z 0 Projects

President's Thanks You 

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Community Thank You…Your Support Helps Us Help People. On behalf of the members of the Rotary Club of Port Hope, I want to thank each and everyone of the friend of Rotary in our community for your ongoing generous support…we can’t do what we do without your help.
President's Thanks You Bob Wallace 2021-06-27 04:00:00Z 0

Farley Mowat Week

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The contest on the theme of “Canada’s North” was open to residents of Port Hope and also to those living in Arviat, Nunavut.  Arviat is a village on the west side of Hudson’s Bay.  Farley travelled there and worked with villagers on a film.  We did not receive any entries from Arviat this year due to Covid-19 protocols and severe weather, but we look forward to future collaborations.
Farley Mowat Week Bob Wallace 2021-05-27 04:00:00Z 0 Projects
Farley Mowat Week Bob Wallace 2021-05-13 04:00:00Z 0
Farley Mowat Week Bob Wallace 2021-05-12 04:00:00Z 0
Farley Mowat 2021-05-11 04:00:00Z 0

Farley Mowat Week

Celebrate Farley Mowat Week – May 10 - 16
The Rotary Club of Port Hope will celebrate Port Hope resident author Farley Mowat during the week of May 10 – 16.  It would have been Farley’s 100th birthday on May 12. Farley passed away on May 6, 2014.  His works were translated into 26 languages, and he sold more than 17 million books. He achieved fame with the publication of his books on the Canadian north, such as People of the Deer and Never Cry Wolf.  The Rotary Club has worked closely with Claire Mowat, John Mowat, the Municipality of Port Hope, the Port Hope Public Library, St. Mark's Anglican Church and Furby House Books to plan activities during Farley 100 Week – May 10 – 16.  Due to the Covid-19 lockdown, all events will be virtual. 
Farley Mowat Week Bob Wallace 2021-05-10 04:00:00Z 0

Farley Mowat week

Celebrate Farley Mowat Week – May 10 - 16
The Rotary Club of Port Hope plans to celebrate Port Hope resident author Farley Mowat during the week of May 10 – 16.  It would have been Farley’s 100th birthday on May 12. Farley passed away on May 6, 2014.  His works were translated into 52 languages, and he sold more than 17
million books. He achieved fame with the publication of his books on the Canadian north, such as People of the Deer and Never Cry Wolf.  The Rotary Club has worked closely with Claire Mowat, the Municipality of Port Hope, the Port Hope Public Library, St. Marks Anglican Church
and Furby House Books to plan activities during Farley 100 Week – May 10 – 16.  Due to the Covid-19 lockdown, all events will be virtual.
Farley Mowat week Bob Wallace 2021-04-28 04:00:00Z 0

Farley Mowat

National Film Board Films about Farley Mowat

If you would like to learn more about Farley Mowat, there are two films about Farley on the National
Film Board website ( that you can watch on your computer, tablet or phone. Here is a link
to learn more about the NFB apps for Apple or Android devices.
Finding Farley – 2009 - 1 hour 2 minutes – by Leanne Allison

In this feature documentary, husband-and-wife team Karsten Heuer and Leanne Allison (Being Caribou), along with their 2-year-old son and dog, retrace the literary footsteps of Canadian writer Farley Mowat.
They canoe east from Calgary towards the Prairies (the geography of Farley's Born Naked and Owls in the Family) and then traverse the same paths that Mowat took more than 60 years earlier in Never Cry Wolf and People of the Deer. Their epic 5,000 km journey—trekking, sailing, portaging and paddling—ends in the Maritimes, at Mowat's Nova Scotia summer home.
Ten Million Books: An Introduction to Farley Mowat – 1981 - 25 minutes – by Andy Thomson

Farley Mowat has sold more books than any other Canadian writer – 10 million copies in 22 languages in 50 countries. In this short film, Mowat recalls some of his experiences that have found their way into his work.
Farley Mowat Bob Wallace 2021-03-24 04:00:00Z 0
April Spring Wing Fling Robert Wallace 2021-03-16 04:00:00Z 0 Projects
Port Hope Rotary and Municipality of Port Hope Plan to Celebrate Farley Mowat  2021-03-12 05:00:00Z 0 Projects

Farley 100

Get ready to celebrate Farley Mowat's 100 birthday with a week long list of activities in Port Hope. Readings a writing contest and a lot more. Look here for more details.
Farley 100 Robert Wallace 2021-03-08 05:00:00Z 0
What Rotary means to me, Sam Whittaker Robert Wallace 2021-03-03 05:00:00Z 0 Rotarian Profile
What Rotary Means to by Sylvia Binkley Bob Wallace 2021-02-10 05:00:00Z 0 Rotarian Profile

Rotary Christmas Market

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The Port Hope Rotary Club completed another first for the club with a very successful Rotary Christmas Market. Thanks to all our customers, Queenies, The Railside, Food Inspired and Jennifer's Jazz It Up.
Rotary Christmas Market Bob Wallace 2020-12-06 05:00:00Z 0

Santa's Busy Pre Christmas Weekend

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The Port Hope club had a busy weekend. On Saturday the members made sure that Santa made it safely to the parade for all the community to see. On Sunday Santa made a special stop in downtown to serve breakfast to many people and collect toy and $$ for the Salvation Army.
Santa's Busy Pre Christmas Weekend Bob Wallace 2020-11-30 05:00:00Z 0 Projects
Rotary Foundation Walk Bob Wallace 2020-11-07 05:00:00Z 0 Projects


Sponsored by The Port Hope Rotary Club
Supported by Furby House Books, Queenie's, Food Inspired, The Railside Restaurant, Brandt Meats, Heritage Baking Company

This is your opportunity to get all your holiday shopping done safely and to support local merchants as well as a local service club.

Drive through pick up of your gift orders will be on Saturday, December 5, 2020 at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Elias St. in Port Hope between 1pm and 6pm
ONE STOP SHOP HOLIDAY MARKET Bob Wallace 2020-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

Ed's House Hospice

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We are pleased to report that the Rotary Club of Port Hope has completed our committed $50,000 donation to Ed's House Hospice, with our final installment  made at a presentation on Wednesday October 28th.
Ed's House Hospice Bob Wallace 2020-10-29 04:00:00Z 0 Projects
Avenue of HEROE'S Walk 2020-10-29 04:00:00Z 0 Projects
Avenue of Heros Bob Wallace 2020-10-25 04:00:00Z 0 Projects

World Polio Day

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On Saturday October 24th, 2020 is End Polio Now day across the globe. Led by Rotary and many collaborative organizations, polio has been largely eradicated in our lifetime...truly a celebration.
World Polio Day Bob Wallace 2020-10-21 04:00:00Z 0 Projects

Avenue of Heros

The Port Hope Rotary Club is again proud to recognize members of our community who have served in the military. These banner will be going up soon and there will be a community walk on November 7th to view the banners. There will be 40 banners this year.
Avenue of Heros Bob Wallace 2020-10-16 04:00:00Z 0

Greek Dinners

In our ongoing efforts to assist local business in Port Hope the Port Hope Rotary club in conjunction with the Railside Restaurant server 196 Greek dinners to the Port Hope and Cobourg community.
Greek Dinners Bob Wallace 2020-09-14 04:00:00Z 0
Capitol Theatre Bob Wallace 2020-08-20 04:00:00Z 0
Our Online meeting June 1, 2020 Bob Wallace 2020-06-02 04:00:00Z 0

Club Meetings

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic our club is not meeting in person but are meeting online every two weeks. Please consult the calendar of events for dates e and times of our future meetings.
Stay safe and look forward to meeting in person soon
Club Meetings Bob Wallace 2020-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

Avenue of Heros

Posted by Bob Wallace on Nov 06, 2019
The Rotary Club of Port Hope unveiled the latest community project the Avenue of Heros. Banners have been erected throughtout the down town area to honour local heros who were members of the Canadian military. A total of 29 banners have been erected for this year.
Avenue of Heros Bob Wallace 2019-11-06 05:00:00Z 0

Touch a Truck

The members of the Port Hope Rotary Club participated in the Touch a Truck event to raise funds for Ed's House, the hospice in our area being built.
Touch a Truck Bob Wallace 2019-10-03 04:00:00Z 0

Port Hope Fall Fair

Posted by Bob Wallace on Sep 14, 2019
The members of the Port Hop Rotary Club provided a food station at the annual Port Hope Fall Fair. We provided lots of burgers and hot dogs that the fair goers could purchase.
Port Hope Fall Fair Bob Wallace 2019-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Avenue of Heroes Banner Campaign

Posted by Bob Wallace on Jun 21, 2019

Avenue of Heroes Veteran Banner Program Launches in Municipality of Port Hope

Banners paying tribute to local war veterans will adorn the streets in downtown Port Hope this fall


Avenue of Heroes Banner Campaign Bob Wallace 2019-06-21 04:00:00Z 0
Coldest Night of the Year 2019-02-24 05:00:00Z 0
Canada Day 2018-07-25 04:00:00Z 0

Port Hope Rotarians Paint Gazebo 

Posted on Jul 17, 2018
Several members of the Port Hope Rotary club joined with District Governor Mary Lou Harrison to paint the Gazebo on the east waterfront trail.
Port Hope Rotarians Paint Gazebo 2018-07-17 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarians at Work

Posted on Jun 05, 2018
Several members of the Port Hope Rotary Club assisted the Salvation Army to collect and sort household goods, furniture and clothing to assist the families displaced by the devestating fire that occured on Wellington Street in Port Hope.
Rotarians at Work 2018-06-05 04:00:00Z 0

First Aid Refresher

Posted by Bob Wallace on May 15, 2018
Several members of the Port Hope Rotary club brushed up on their First Aid skills.
First Aid Refresher Bob Wallace 2018-05-15 04:00:00Z 0
Durham College Donation Ron Tuttle 2018-03-28 04:00:00Z 0

Birthday Bags for the Foodbank

Posted on Feb 06, 2018
The members of the Port Hope Rotary hard at work packaging Birthday Bags for the Foodbank. These bags contained a cake mix, icing, balloons, streamers, noise makers, candles etc. All the things needed for a child to have a birthday party.
Birthday Bags for the Foodbank 2018-02-06 05:00:00Z 0
Salvation Army Christmas Hampers 2018-01-09 05:00:00Z 0
Rotarian Elves Bob Wallace 2017-11-21 05:00:00Z 0
Rotarians working at the Habitat for Humanity Build 2017-11-10 05:00:00Z 0

Little Libraries

Posted on Jul 19, 2017
In the fall of 2016 the Port Hope Rotary Club members built 6 little libraries for the community to share books. Over the winter several local artists painted the libraries and this spring they are being placed in the municipality of Port Hope. This photo is of one of the libraries placed on King Street at the home of Claire Mowat.
Little Libraries 2017-07-19 04:00:00Z 0
West Beach Clean Up 2016-07-15 04:00:00Z 0

Returned Youth Exchange Student

Paula Pigari from Brazil was hosted by the Rotary Club of Port Hope in 2004 -05.  Recently, Paula arrived in Canada with Daniel, her husband of two years.  They visited our club on November 9, 2015.  Paula is now a tax lawyer in Brazil.  Daniel is an architect, and he also owns a glass company that makes windows, mirrors and shower enclosures.
Paula and Daniel stayed with one of Paula's close friends from her time in Port Hope.  Steph and her husband live in Uxbridge.  When Paula and Daniel came to Port Hope, they stayed with Paula' first host family, Elizabeth Gordon and Wayne Pierce.  Their daughter, Mariko Vecchiola, went to France on Rotary Youth Exchange while Paula was here in Port Hope.
On Monday at Rotary, Paula and Daniel told the club about their lives in Brazil.  Daniel is also very familiar with Canada since he spent a year on exchange in Fort Frances, Ontario, close to the Manitoba border.  After catching up with club members, Paula and Daniel flew to New York on Tuesday for a few days before they will return to Brazil. 
It was great to see Paula again, and to meet her husband, Daniel!
Returned Youth Exchange Student Ron Tuttle 2015-11-25 05:00:00Z 0
Facebook Robert Wallace 2013-07-16 00:00:00Z 0