Co-President Drina opening the meeting and welcomed all members
and guests. Guest attending the meeting were:

Mayor Olena Hankivsky
Scott Cameron (General Manager of the Port Hope Area Initiative)
Judith O'Leary
Sarah Turck
Aldona Tallo
Julio (friend of Steve Tallo)
Co-President Drina then gave the Toast Member Kevin Moore gave the Land Acknowledgement and said the grace
Past President Run Tuttle discussed 2 service projects approved by the Service Projects committee that requires approval by the club.
  • First motion:
o The committee recommends that our club make a donation of $25,000 spread over two Rotary fiscal periods. The motion was moved, seconded and approved
  • Second motion:
 The committee recommends that the club make a donation of $2,500 to the Town of Port Hope to help sponsor five movies in the park during the 2024 summer. The sponsorship provides recognition on the town website, a pre-movie slideshow about the Rotary Club of Port Hope and the right to install Rotary signage in the park. The motion was moved,
seconded and approved.
Member Robert Gibson gave the club an update of an upcoming volunteer project for club members, families and friends to assist in the Habitat for Humanity, Northumberland's Baltimore project. Details will follow for this one day volunteer event. The date will be in July and will commence at 8:30am and end at 3:00pm. Volunteers will need to complete a safety training session in the morning. Financial support is appreciated, but not mandatory. Financial support will likely come from the Club or the Trust Funds.
Past President Ken O"Neill then introduced Mayor Olena Hankivsky who filled in for the Town of Port Hope's CAO Candice White who was unable to attend.
The Mayor discussed the Youth Wellness Hub Ontario (YWHO) that will be opening in Port Hope at 15 Cavan Street. The Mayor informed the Club of the following:
 Across Ontario, there are 27 YWHO Hub networks (with 5 more coming, Port Hope being one of these new Hub networks).
 The YWHO Hub Networks provide high-quality integrated youth services to support the well-being of young people aged 12 to 25, including mental health and substance use supports, primary care, community and social supports.
 YWHO is delivered through partnerships with local service providers to support young people and improve outcomes for the community.
 YWH's Hubs are active in Western Canada, the GTA but mostly western GTAs
 The Mayor approached MPP David Piccini regarding the YWHO in Port Hope to service Northumberland youth.
 Rebound will be a significant Community Support group for the Port Hope YWHO
 Both the Chief of Police and Port Hope and Cobourg were instrumental in the establishment of the Port Hope YWHO
 Funding of $3.5 million over the next 5 years is required and Cameco has agreed to fund $500,000. The remainder will come from the Government of Ontario, business, and individuals. The Government of Ontario has indicated that they will support the Port Hope YWHO with $680,000 for operations and another
$100,000 for capital.
 On Thursday May 2 the Ontario Minister of Health, the Minister Mental Health and Addictions and MPP David Piccini along with many community representatives toured the site.
 On Friday May 3 Fundraising discussions commenced
 On Saturday May 4 Youth Groups visited the site
 The Port Hope YWHO will have 
 a greenhouse
 a pool and ping pong tables
 a 70 inch television
 a library
 The Mayor talked about the necessary 3 T's being Time, Talent and Treasury

Past President Bree Nixon thanked the Mayor. 
Member Olga Chernuck provided the Club members an update on the Surf and Turf dinner and advised the members that a proportion of the net proceeds will support the Port Hope Youth Wellness Hub.
Member Adam Pearson provided the Club an update of the recent Port Hope clean-up efforts of the past weekend.
Co-President Steve Tallo advised the Club of the following
 On Monday May 13 there will be a full Board meeting
 The second Breakfast meeting of the Club will take place on Friday May 17 at Santorinis
 On May 27 the coming year "kick-off" meeting will take place
 On June 1 District 7070 District Assembly will take place at Centennial College, Scarborough and many of our club members will be attending
 On June 20 Past President Bruce Coleman will be retiring from his 45 year legal career. A celebration will take place on that date and club members are invited.
Member Robert Gibson then gave his Rotary moments. Robert talked about 3 Rotary moments, these being associated with volunteering on Club events in the Town of Port Hope, as Chair of the Trust Fund Committee and his attendance at the Health Leadership Summit recently held in Toronto.
The meeting then had Happy Bucks when many Club members participated.