The meeting covered a variety of topics. The Service Project committee led by Ron Tuttle arranged a tour of the newly expanded Port Hope Recreation Centre on McCaul Street at 5 pm. Many members of the club toured the new areas available at the park. The municipality has embarked on a fund raising campaign and the Port Hope Club is considering supporting this campaign. Possibilities are the the large event space meeting room or the inner garden. Naming rights for either of these are $25,000. The club may consider this over a two year period.
After leaving the Rec Centre we gathered at the Knights of Columbus hall for an amazing meal prepared by our own Steve Tallo.
The meal was not quite ready so co-president Drina started the meeting asking Jan Boycott to give the club an update on Rotary Youth Exchange and Port Hope Rotary's history. The club started with youth exchange in 1978 and had exchanges for several years There was a gap in the 80's and then Ron Tuttle our president at the time in 1989 got us back into youth exchange. This lasted until COVID when all Rotary Youth Exchanges were stopped. Several Port Hope members have been extremely active in leadership of the district youth exchange program, Ron Tuttle, Ken O'Neill and Tom Sears.
The club is now back into youth exchange led by Kevin Moore and Jan Boycott, we will be welcoming Lorenzo from Turin to our community in August. Jan asked us all to consider possibly hosting Lorenzo while he is here and to also include him in any family events. Lorenzo will be staying with the Moore's for the first couple of months.
After dinner Steve led us on an impassioned discussion on the Rotary 4 Way Test and the Rotary Ways. We all must treat each other and everyone we meet with patience and understanding and at all times following the 4 way test.
The highlight of the night was the induction of our four newest members, Lori Moore, Jana MacNeil, Sherry Zwetsloot and Jessica Dodd.
The induction was led by our membership committee Bruce Coleman and Sandra Hicks
Bob Wallace pointed out that with these wonderful new members our club is now exactly 50/50 women and men.
Lots of happy buck followed by most of the members.
There was also discussion and updates on the clubs upcoming next fund raiser the Annual Surf and Turf dinner to be held on June 22nd.