Pres Jim welcomed everyone to the fellowship of Rotary. Sandra introduced her two guests – the first
being Norma Daniel who owns High Fields Day and Destination Spa on Rose Glen Road and the second
person being the guest speaker for the evening, Missy McLean from the Northumberland Elder Abuse
Resource Network (NEARN). Following a Rotary toast and Rotary prayer, dinner was served.
Sandra introduced the guest speaker for the evening. Missy McLean is a registered social worker who works with Northumberland Elder Abuse Resource Network (NEARN) which has been established since 2006. In 2016 the World Health Organization described elder abuse to include physical, sexual, psychological, financial, and neglect. Missy described each of these areas and expanded information with examples.
Signs of abuse may include being fearful around certain people, socially withdrawn, physical injuries, change of hygiene and nutrition, and inability to meet financial obligations. 8 to 10 % of older adults experience some form of abuse which amounts to approximately 200,000 adults in Ontario being abused.

NEARN’S goal for 2023 is to provide a 72 hour respite program where options will be created and reviewed, and include a 3-day respite care at a retirement residence in Northumberland County. NEARN will connect victims with wrap around support including mental health emergency health services. It will offer Safety, Shelter, Support and Space. To make this work communication, clear understanding, and financial support are needed.
The criteria required for this support includes – person must be over 65, experiencing abuse, no other options, care needs do not exceed retirement home care, can make decisions on their own, & willing to participate in planning for next steps after the 72 hour stay. The Director of Care at the retirement residence completes the assessment. NEARN releases funds (approx. $300.) for the 72 hour stay and community partners support victim/survivor with planning the next steps, but NEARN will continue to support as needed after the 72 hours.
Missy described a couple of situations where this support was so beneficial in the care of an abused individual. She and Sandra also explained that this service is an example for other counties to implement. For additional information, please contact Sandra at sandra.hicks@siennaliving.ca (905-885-9898). Kevin thanked Missy for bringing this information to our attention.
Many happy bucks were raked in by John including Susan bringing the warm weather back with her, Sandra’s great weekend with her grandchildren, Norma’s good health, Fran happy with how the lobster dinner is going, and Ron happy to have our club invited to a volunteer appreciation at the Port Hope Library Thursday from 1 to 3 with a presentation at 2 p.m.
Tom was happy to be back but sorry he forgot his name tag. Paul was happy to have met Betty Richards who told him that Merv was going to be 99 on his birthday in May. Merv is an honorary member of our club and was instrumental in bringing the dental clinic to Toronto Road Health facility. Bob Gibson razzed John about taking over his duties as sergeant-at-arms. Sylvia was happy that her granddaughter Mya (#6) won all Ontario in a hockey tournament on the weekend for her age group and level with the
Cobourg Wild girls hockey team. John is looking forward to a car show in Victoria Park in May.
Fran explained the cost of renting the Knights of Columbus Hall from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023 and she will be emailing invoices to members for $80 for the year with midway members being invoiced $40.
All members are asked to support this which can be paid by e-transfer.
Bob Gibson invited members to square up their golf teams for our annual Rotary Golf Tournament July 31 st at the Mill in Cobourg. Maximum 36 golfers best ball beginning at 2 p.m. Dinner will be steak or chicken served 5:30-6:00.
Pres. Jim announced the Baltimore Build for Habitat for Humanity and to watch for more details.
Jessica encouraged us to come to the Ganaraska River Conservation Area (off highway 28) to clean up the trail and parking area this Sat Apr. 22 nd at 10 a.m. She will have gloves and garbage bags waiting for us and after everyone is welcome to meet at the Thirsty Goose at 12:30.
Pres. Jim closed the meeting with asking us to sing O Canada.