We were joined by Gillian Smith-Clark, Sarah Sculthorpe, Will Kennedy, Kerry Lynch & Carson Lynch, Haylee Jolicoeur- outbound student, Jana McNeil friend of Olga’s and Irena Orlowski and we welcome back to our club Rotarian Jennifer Mercer.
Haylee announced she will be going to Finland for the youth exchange program.
Gillian Smith Clark from Port Hope Racquet Club spoke to us about their club and information about the dome that was given to them by the Canadian Sports Management Company. The Racquet Club is a Non- For-Profit Club which is volunteered run. Their wishes are to grow the game of tennis in our community with children and youth being their focus. Currently there are 130 members.
The club members travel to Oshawa or Toronto to play this sport during the winter months. The Dome will benefit not only our community but neighboring communities. There are no covered courts in Peterborough, Cobourg, Newcastle, and surrounding areas.
Gillian spoke about the benefit to our community. Our local businesses will benefit as the covered courts will bring new people to Port Hope because of tournaments. Since there are no other covered tennis courts in the surrounding areas our neighboring communities will use Port Hope courts instead of travelling to Durham and GTA this will also bring new customers to our local businesses.
The fundraising efforts are in full swing. The dedicated racquet club members and local business are donating and are fully supportive of the Dome. They are hoping that Rotary club of Port Hope will support and partner with the Racquet Club.
Gillian informed us of benefits of this sport, safe, no risk, affordable, welcoming and accessible. A different environment for youth to experience and scholarship opportunity for young people in USA. It common for young ladies to drop out of sports between the age of 10-17. They intend to focus on this age group to help instill a healthy lifestyle for the younger generation.
Sarah Sculthorpe added that Port Hope was the identified by All Sport Company as they felt it is the best location for the Dome to be placed. Municipality will support staffing but not provide funds for Dome.
Carson Lynch is a new young tennis enthusiast; he began playing in March of 2023 and is now competitive as an advanced junior. He is very passionate about the sport, and it would make life easier if he didn’t have to travel so far to play in the winter months.
Happy Bucks
Your scribe is a newbie and missed recording all the Happy Bucks.
- Sylvia wished John Mowat a Happy Birthday
- Olga was happy for the sunshine.
- Kathy was happy to think about grooming her granddaughter to play tennis.
- Ken shared all his tips from the bar and that made him happy.
- Jennifer lent Jan money to express her happiness. Welcome back Jennifer and Happy Birthday.
- Drina happy about Groundhog Day for an early spring.
"Apologies to those I missed or if I embellished your 'happy buck' comments."
Feb.19th, (Family Day Meeting)
This will be a Pizza and salad, euchre, and cribbage at the Knights Hall the evening will begin at normal meeting time 5:30. Normally we pay 20$ per member /guest could be 10$ will finalize before the meeting. We will need volunteers to bring cards and crib boards. Please reach out to Sandra if you can help.
Coldest Night of the Year: Feb. 24th,2024
Bruce reported that we have several members and others on our walking team, (No Flakes) to raise funds for Green Wood Coalition. Our walk will start in the Rotary Park (downtown) at 10:00 ish AM and proceed to the Rotary Riverview Park at Jocelyn St. and back, with lunch probably at Olympus Burger.
Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny: April 13th,2024
Ron Tuttle reported that volunteers are needed for this event. Rotary will be offering hot chocolate and snacks. There will be no Crazy Crafts this year because of the construction with the bridge. In place of crazy craft is may be float yourself down the Ganny.
Enjoy the Flavours of Port Hope Gala ( Mar.2nd, 2024)
Co-Presidents Drina and Steve reported that ticket sales are going well. We are still looking for sponsors and auction items. Please reach out if you would like to sponsor, know a company that would like to sponsor or to donate an auction item.