JULY 22, 2024
President Drina called the meeting to order shortly after 6. The slight delay was caused by everyone bringing their contribution to the pot luck meal. The meal was a success and Rotarians agreed we should do it again.

Our newest Rotarian, Matt Lawrence, was inducted by Kathy and John M. Matt received his pin and welcoming package which was followed by the traditional
handshake from members.

Ron circulated and update our service projects. At that time a motion was put forward and carried to donate an additional $10 000 to the walk-in clinic. This money is to be used to purchase updated computers and programs for the clinic office.

The meeting schedule and pod structure were also distributed.
Olga and Jana reported that the Surf and Turf raised approximately $ 10 000.
Although they both exhausted after the event, they have agreed to chair it again next year. Although the location hasn’t been decided the date is going to be June 14, 2025. WELL DONE !!!!

President Drina reported that Steve, Ron and herself would be attending a meeting with the mayor to discuss taxi service in the municipality. Also, she is looking for a couple of Rotarians is be club representatives at the next couple of movies in the park.

The meeting closed the singing of O Canada.