Rotary Foundation Dinner - November 21, 2024
Members of the Rotary Club of Port Hope and the Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise gathered along with their spouses or partners and guests for the annual Rotary Foundation Dinner at Dalewood Golf & Country Club. Paul Tait from our club and John Racine from Northumberland Sunrise Rotary Club hosted the dinner. We enjoyed a delicious meal from the Dalewood kitchen after the land dedication and Grace led by John Mowat. Then, John Racine asked each table to sing a song in order to go next to the buffet. This was the cause for more that a few laughs.
Our club's Youth Exchange Student from Italy, Lorenzo Fava, spoke to the group about his exchange in Port Hope. Lorenzo said that he is really having a good time with his host family, Kevin and Lori Moore. He enjoys his classes and friends at Port Hope High School. He finished by thanking our Rotary club for hosting him.
John Racine shared the mission of the Rotary Foundation. “The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.”
What impact can one donation have?
- For as little as 60 cents, a child can be protected from polio.
- $50 can provide clean water to help fight waterborne illness.
- $500 can launch an antibullying campaign and create a safe environment for children.
Bob Wallace Rotary District 7070 Chair of the Foundation Committee pointed out that three most important words in the mission statement are: “helps Rotary members”. Bob showed a video called “Doing Good in the World”. Rotarians work on projects that focus on one of the seven areas of focus – Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution, Disease Prevention and Treatment, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Maternal and Child Health, Basic Education and Literacy, Community Economic Development and Environment.
The Rotary Foundation has four funds: the Annual Fund, the Polio Plus Fund, the Endowment Fund and the Term Gift/CSR.
District Grants come from the Annual Fund. Clubs can apply online to our district for a District Grant to help fund community projects that fit into the seven area of service. For example, our club received District Grants for the swim program at the Sports Complex and for Rotary Centennial Riverside Park during our centennial year, 2022.
Global grants support large international activities with sustainable, measurable outcomes. Global grants have a minimum budget of $30,000 and a maximum World Fund award of $400,000.
Bob also gave us an update on Polio Plus campaign to eradicate polio worldwide. Last year, there were 12 cases of polio in the world, but this year there are 72 cases, mainly in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The Gates Foundation matches all donation to the Polio Plus fund on a 2:1 ratio.
Charity Navigator ranked the Rotary Foundation with 4 stars, the highest level. 91% of donations raised go to programs. This is also a very high level.
Paul Harris Fellowship Awards are an honour given to individuals in our community or in our Rotary Club who have made an outstanding contribution to our community. The club donates $1,000 US in their name to the Rotary Foundation. The recipient receives an award plaque, a medallion and a Paul Harris pin.
Aimee Tedford from the Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise presented the first Paul Harris Fellowship Award to Caleb Carisse. Caleb was involved with Greenwood Coalition serving on their board for nearly a decade. He was as Board Chair for 4 years. He is now sits on The Rose Quest board of directors as Secretary. Beyond that he supports local organizations like Critical Mass, Movember and the Hospital holding summertime lemon-aid stands to raise money.
Ken O’Neill from the Rotary Club of Port Hope presented a Paul Harris Fellowship Award to Robin Holmes-Smith. Before attending teachers’ college, Robin worked with the Canadian Organization for Development Through Education to promote literacy in developing countries. In that role she worked closely with Rotary Clubs. After retiring as a vice-principal with the Toronto School Board she moved to Port Hope. Shortly thereafter, she started and is still volunteering at the Food Bank. Robin has had many roles as well chairing the golf tournament and is presently coordinating the annual turkey ticket sales fund raiser. In recent years Robin has become a tutor for Ukrainians, started to volunteer at the Capitol Theatre and become a member of The Northumberland Diverse People Coalition. Robin lives the Rotary motto of “Service Above Self”.
Yvonne O’Neill presented a Paul Harris Fellowship Award to Penny Nutbrown on behalf of the Rotary Club of Port Hope. Penny shares her time, enthusiasm and skills in many endeavours involving food at various drop-ins, cafes, Community Dinners and the Food Bank. She also makes significant contributions to St. John’s Church caring for the Spiritual Garden and many special events. Her love for children comes to life at summer and day camps, as the Sunday School co-ordinator and at the Farmers’ Market children’s activities. These are but a few of her many accomplishments.
Rhonda Cunningham from the Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise presented a Paul Harris Fellowship Award to Deb Racine. De’s husband, Paul, is a member of the Northumberland Sunrise Rotary Club as well as a former member of our club. Deb has always helped at Rotary activities. Now, all three of their children are active members of the Rotary Club of Northumberland Sunrise.
District Governor Virginia O’Reilly presented Co-Presidents Steve and Drina with an award from the 2023 – 24 Rotary year for the club with the highest per capita donations to the Rotary Foundation.
Co-hosts John Racine and Paul Tait thanked everyone for attending the dinner to honour the new Paul Harris Fellowship members.
You can donate to Rotary Foundation at