Attendance was sparce but those present enjoyed themselves.

After a 2 pie (pizza and apple) and huge salad dinner, there was a brief business

Tree Planting
PP Ron, Chair of Service Projects, reported on a project to plant 500 trees in Northumberland. All clubs in the county are participating. Our club will get 90 trees and they are to be planted upon consultation with the Municipality. Perhaps some will go to our new park. The club will contribute $700.00 to this project.
Flavours of Port Hope
Co-Presidents Drina and Steve reported on the anticipated success of the Flavours of Port Hope event. They noted that it was virtually sold out and on-line ticket sales were stopped.
Including tickets provided to some sponsors, more than 175 tickets have been sold or distributed.
Volunteer sign-up sheets were passed around to elicit help with set up, decoration, silent auction, accounting, door duty, take down, etc. Members not in attendance may be their assignments.

Coldest Night of the Year
PP Bruce thanked members for collecting donations and for participating in the upcoming walk on Saturday, February 24 th . He confirmed reservations for a post walk lunch at Olympus Burger.

Learning Opportunities
PDG Bob announced 3 upcoming events.
1. “The Magic of Rotary” (on-line Membership workshop, February 20th , with incoming RI President Stephanie Urchick).
2. Peace Forum: “Hearts and Hands for Peace”, online, February 22nd .
3. “International Women’s Day Celebration” Rotary Global Classroom, Durham College
(and online), March 8th .
Don’t Tell OLG
PP Ken proposed bringing back a 50/50 or Chase the Aces type of draw to raise additional club funds at regular club meetings.
Fun and Games
After business was completed, it was time to “let the games begin”. However, despite the presence of paraphernalia for a plethora of games, much of the time was spent socializing. Only a few rounds of “Jenga” and “Dutch Blitz” were played. (There were no boastful winners and no pouting losers).