With Mental Health Awareness Week from May 1-7, it's important to recognize that mental health affects us all. In fact, 1 in 5 Canadians experience a mental illness or health issue every year. That's why Rotary International has formed the Rotary Action Group on Mental Health, a dedicated initiative focused on breaking the stigma, raising awareness, and providing intervention and treatment for mental health issues. This is a top priority for RI President Elect, Gordon McInally, and with this direction, Rotary District 7070 has formed a committee to support Rotarians and the wider community in the district.
The theme for Mental Health Awareness Week this year is "My Story." It's a time to reflect on our mental health journeys and how we can support ourselves and our community's mental health. So, what is your mental health story? What do you do for your mental health?
Let's work together to prioritize mental wellness for all people. As Rotarians, it is important that we practice mental wellness for self-care so we can help take care of and support our communities. One way we can do this is by practicing kindness towards ourselves so we can be kind to others. Reach out to your social circle, family, friends, and Rotary clubs for support. Getting some sunshine and fresh air can also help, as well as learning about how to implement wellness strategies into your day. Paige's monthly wellness sessions for District 7070 are a great resource, and she can even speak to your club about mental wellness.
Remember, your story matters, and by sharing it, you can inspire others and make a positive impact in our community. Let's prioritize our mental wellness and support each other and our community's mental health. To connect with Paige, please reach her at: paigefernandes1@gmail.com
**URGENT LAST DAY TO REGISTER - Monday, 1st May 2023**
Rotary District 7070 Assembly
To be held at Centennial College 8th floor
937 Progress Avenue Toronto
Saturday, 6th of May 2023 - the District Assembly is back in person after the COVID Disruption.
In view of the annual turnover of Rotary leadership each year, special effort is required to provide club leaders with appropriate instruction for the tasks they will assume. The annual district assembly is the major leadership training event in each Rotary district of the world. The workshops offer motivation, inspiration, Rotary information and new ideas for club officers, directors and key committee chairmen of each club. Some of the most experienced district leaders conduct informative discussions on all phases of Rotary administration and service projects. The sessions give all participants valuable new ideas to make their club more effective and interesting.
Normally 5 to 7 delegates from each club (officers, directors, committee chairs, and all interested Rotarians both experienced and new to Rotary, etc.) are invited to attend the training session.
It is mandatory for President Elects to take part in the assembly, they will need to approve the 2023-2024 District Budget. This year the Assembly Fee is $50 per person it includes all meals and parking. Most clubs pay for their members to attend, members can register individually and the club can remit payment by cheque for all their members that register.
“Yeah,” the other cow says. “Makes me glad I’m a penguin.”