President Drina called the club assembly at the Blue Leaf to order at 6:00.
Kevin introduced our exchange student, Lorenzo Fave to the club. Lorenzo is from Turin, Italy and is presently staying with Lori and Kevin.
The club is still looking for host families. If you are interested or know of a family that may host, please, let Kevin or Ron know.
Bruce distributed business cards inviting someone to join us at a regular meeting as a guest of the club.
Kevin, Jim Millington and Lauren have agreed to be pod leaders for the coming year. Drina will send out the make up the three pods and our meeting dates for this coming Rotary year.
Ron provided details for the corn roast next week at his place.
Steve mentioned that planning is underway for the fall fair running from Fri., Sept 13 to Sun., Sept. 15. A list was circulated for sign up. If you missed the opportunity reach out to Steve.
Paul noticed while that downtown and that the Rotary gazebo was starting to show signs of needing some TLC. It was decided that we would reach out to the town to explore what could be done.
Following dinner, Fran presented the financial statement for 2023/24 and also the proposed budget for 2024/25. Afterwards the club
accepted the budget as presented. A big thank you to Fran.
Ron provided details for the corn roast next week at his place.
Steve mentioned that planning is underway for the fall fair running from Fri., Sept 13 to Sun., Sept. 15. A list was circulated for sign up. If you missed the opportunity reach out to Steve.
Paul noticed while that downtown and that the Rotary gazebo was starting to show signs of needing some TLC. It was decided that we would reach out to the town to explore what could be done.
Following dinner, Fran presented the financial statement for 2023/24 and also the proposed budget for 2024/25. Afterwards the club
accepted the budget as presented. A big thank you to Fran.
A reminder of the corn roast next week. This is a family event.