February 3, 2025 Meeting Minutes
Drina called the meeting to order at 6:05pm

Introduced guests: Christine Thompson is our newest member. John Davidson introduced Sabrina Hasselfeld of Northumberland Land Trust , Frank Godfrey of Wesleyville Joint Working Group and Willowbeach Field Naturalists, Jenny (Guest Speaker)
Drina completed a land acknowledgement.
Dinner: Chicken souvlaki with Greek salad, rice and pita bread with cheesecake
Drina reconvened the meeting at 6:43pm
John Davidson introduced the Wesleyville Joint Working Group – Willowbeach Field Nautralists founded the Northumberland Land Trust
– John is the secretary for the joint working group that includes Robert Fishlock and the guests at
the meeting

– Guest speaker was Jenny Jackman who is a member of the board of the Willowbeach Field Naturalists who spoke about what is special about the nature in the Wesleyville area.

– There has been a significant loss of biodiversity (73%) over the last 50 years as noted by the World Wildlife Fund
– Wesleyville is in Eco-district 6E13 Oshawa to Cobourg
– Woodlands, old growth forest, Wesleville creeks and watershed, 6 hectares of the Cryser Point Bluffs, Grasslands and other woods and thickets can be found in the Wesleyville natural areas
– Old growth forests and coastal wetlands are both important features – Crysler Points bluffs features a narrow pebbly beach that doesn't really invite visitors, its more suited for nesting birds
– Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority have found that numerous fresh water springs feed the Wesleyville Creek and watershed – The group tracks a biological inventory of the area, there have been 1604 observations in the Wesleyville area, iNaturalist is an app that allows people to include their photos in the project.
– The groups believes the areas at Wesleyville can be protected and even enhanced for future generations. It would become the larges and most diverse protected area in our eco-district
– OPG have reached out to the group to include them in the consultation process for the proposed nuclear power plant in the area
– Students from Trent University attend the area annually as part of their program and are helping to create a directory of unique trees in the area
– The group also works to restore the area, there has been significant damage caused to the area, especially the creek, by people riding ATVs in the area.
Sandra Hicks thanked Jenny for coming and speaking to the club after her presentation and question period.
Bob Wallace provided some history about Eldorado's property at the Wesleyville location.

Ron spoke about the Youth Exchange program, all 3 local clubs are working together for the program this year. Lily Hall from Cobourg Collegiate Institute high school has been selected as the outbound student to represent the clubs. Lorenzo and Lily are going to the orientation workshop for students this weekend.

Jim Millington has arranged for Tom Jackson, Canadian actor and singer, to present to our club on Monday March 10. Jim suggested inviting the Northumberland Sunrise club and other guests but the club would need a larger venue. The Pod hosting in March will make arrangements to accommodate our guests for the evening.
The Taste of Port Hope event ticket sales have started, please take posters and tickets to help promote the event, The club is also seeking silent auction and live auction donations. The link to purchase online tickets is available through our club website.
Co President Drina opened the meeting
Speaker Mark Chipman Youth Services Director and wife Leslie were introduced

Kevin made an announcement that the Walk for Youth Wellness Hub raised around 25,000 with 5,000 help from Rotary geared towards mental health support.
Jan introduced Mark Chipman and his wife Leslie. Mark is the youth services director of district 7070.

He then spoke on interact which got its name from a combination of international and action. It is school based and sometimes community based for kids 12 – 18. He spoke on the benefits of interact such as leadership skills that are gained, giving back to the community, networking with Rotarians, references and building your resume. He also spoke about the process of formalizing the club and electing a board.
Mark then spoke about the other youth services such as the Rotary Youth Leadership Symposium which is a 4 day event for youth 16 – 20 where they learn leadership skills and
public speaking , the youth exchange for those 15 – 19 and Rotaract for those 18 + who are not
ready yet to become a full fledged member of Rotary.
Ron Tuttle spoke about the Youth Exchange and teaming up with Northumberland Sunrise.
Interviews will happen on Wednesday we have 2 – 3 candidates and should have a student at the end of the week.
There is a donation to be made to the Youth Wellness Hub up to 10,000 to equip the kitchen.
They will purchase the items and send us the receipts motion made and voted on. Bruce Coleman seconded the motion and the motion was passed.
Bruce Coleman gave an update on the Coldest Night of the Year. Coldest Night and Enjoy the Flavours are one week apart. After feedback from the club it was decided that we would join the team from Port Hope United. Diane Millington will register the team tonight and will send out a link through club runner.
Bob Gibson gave an update on PHHS Community event on Feb 12. Rotary will have a table social night 5:30 – 8 pm Something will be sent via club runner
John Mowat spoke on the passing of Roger Ingram there will be a time a date to come for a service.
Steve spoke about the committee meeting of Enjoy the Flavours this Thursday at Café Liviv at 5 pm. Tickets will be available for Thursday.