News for April 8th meeting
Co-president Steve called the meeting to order at 6 pm sharp and welcomed a large crowd to the meeting. Sylvia introduced her visiting family members Charlie and Ingrid along with her husband Paul, Laurene introduced her guest Jay, Jim introduced his wife Dianne and Drina introduced her mother Eldona and her guest Sherry.
Steve made a wonderful presentation thank you to Lisa for being a major part of the Flavours of Port Hope.
We toasted Canada, the Indigenous peoples as well as the monarchy which was followed by the important land acknowledgment.
Our speaker for the evening was introduced by Rotarian Bob Gibson, Randy Barber is the chair of the International Churchill Society of Canada. A speaker on Sir Winston Churchill. Randy wears many hats and is currently a Cobourg municipal councillor as well as a Cobourg Rotarian.
Randy gave us a wealth of history on Churchill from his birth in 1874 till his death in 1965 at the age of 91. At 65 years of age he became prime minister.
Churchill was recognized as a war hero, politician, statesmen, writer and world leader. Randy mentioned that there is a lots of myths on the internet about Churchill. There was also a test following the presentation and Bob, Kevin and Sylvia had the correct answers to win the prizes.
Randy was thanked by Rotarian Ken O'Neill
Several announcements followed:
The planning for the Surf and Turf is well underway and a committee was to follow the regular meeting. Olga and Jana in charge.
Kevin told us that our exchange student named Lorenzo will be arriving in August from Italy. We need a couple of more host families for this wonderful program
Service Projects chair Ron that we have an opportunity to tour the Port Hope rec complex prior to our meeting on April 22nd. The tour will start at 5pm. The municipality is raising funds for the rec centre and depending on the level of donation we could have rooms named after Rotary.
Bob Gibson reported that the club had donated $25,000 to the Port Hope walk in Clinic that should be opening this month.
Bruce is looking for volunteers to be at the Float Your Fanny Down the Ganny event on Saturday the 12th of April.